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既没有急躁的表现,也从不粗声大气,而总是那副宁静温和的面貌。No ill-temper, no harshness. His face was always serene and kind.

最近的严酷现实使他醒悟,不再游手好闲了。The harshness of recent reality disentranced him from his idleness.

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这项表示你的球队在比赛时的拼抢强度。This indicates the harshness of your team's tackling within a match.

尽管这个社会严酷而不合情理,但它毕竟是我们惟一拥有的世界。For all its harshness and irrationality, it is the only world we’ve got.

最近的严酷现实使她从理想主义的迷梦中清醒过来。The harshness of recent reality disenchanted her of her idealistic hopes.

冷酷的日常现实使他从理想主义的幻梦中清醒过来。The harshness of everyday reality disenchanted him of his idealistic hopes.

相反,我选择接受世界的本真面目,包括世间的严酷和所有的一切。Instead I chose to accept the world as it was, with its harshness and everything.

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结果是塑料像人为看起来由于阴影的酸辣。The result is a plastic like artificial look due to the harshness of the shadows.

这里给人一种天地尽头的感觉,是写在西伯利亚严酷自然环境中的后现代启示录。It felt like the end of the earth, a post-apocalyptic scene of Siberian harshness.

毛发质地为中等粗硬,不应该呈丝状或刚毛状。The texture is of medium harshness , not silky or wiry. Wavy or curly hair is a fault.

这似乎是一条古已有之,而现代社会早就将其抛弃的关于强硬的训诫。It seems like an ancient recipe for harshness that modern society has long ago outgrown.

它虽不足以闯入宝马X5引领的乘坐平顺性领域,但比起RX来说仍然更为坚固。It's firmer than the RX without venturing into BMW X5 territory in terms of ride harshness.

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但是,迄今为止,与严重的大萧条比起来它的影响已经很小了。But its impact has been minor — so far — compared with the harshness of the Great Recession.

任何人,即使是最善良的人,对待动物,无意中总还保留一种暴戾之气。Every Man, even the best, has within him a thoughtless harshness which he reserves for animals.

塔利班时常加以运用的惩罚手段在我们西方人看来不可理喻。The harshness of the punishments they sometimes mete out only seems incomprehensible to the west.

当然了,有时恰当地表达愤怒乃至粗鲁的态度也能起作用。There is certainly a place for calculated expressions of anger or even harshness from time to time.

犹太-基督教传统允许政府用强力威慑来防止犯罪吗?Does the Judaeo-Christian tradition allow governments to threaten harshness in order to prevent crime?

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现在纽特已把这种“逆行整形手术”的政治艺术提高到一个复杂、令人难以接受的全新水准。Now Newt had taken the art of reverse plastic surgery to a whole new level of sophistication and harshness.

父母为了教育我,6岁起,我就和父母一起下地,自己不干活,就看父母在地里挥汗如雨,一天又一天,一年又一年。In order to teach me the harshness of farm work, I was led to the farm by my parents since I was 6 years old.

魅力指数?在战争的残酷出现之前,她炫耀了些有着超凡魅力,被奥斯卡提名的服装。Glamour rating? Before the harshness of war sets in, she shows off some über-glamourous, Oscar-nommed outfits.