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我们俩的房屋邻接着。Our two houses adjoin.

这两栋房屋相毗连。The two houses adjoin.

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这两间卧室毗连。The two bedrooms adjoin.

加拿大和美国邻接。Canada and the United States adjoin.

我附了一份律师写的律师函。I adjoin a copy of my lawyer's letter.

牲口棚与房子的西翼毗连。The stables adjoin the west wing of the house.

加拿大与墨西哥临近美国。Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America.

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加拿大和墨西哥邻近美国。Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America.

加拿大和墨西哥毗邻美国美国。Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of American.

如果你失去了敌人的踪迹,转头看看。Whenever you lose adjoin with the enemy, look behind you.

这三个街区在这一点毗连。It's at this point that these three neighbourhoods adjoin.

如果封闭的侧面彼此邻接,该区域要有适当的通风。If the enclosing sides adjoin each other, the area should be properly vented.

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如果封闭的侧面彼此邻接,该区域要有适当的通风。E. If the enclosing sides adjoin each other, the area should be properly vented.

过会子她只要在你的肚子上用接触头碰下就成了。Lead conference son she at a time touch base with the adjoin pate on your belly chance.

箱子里垫有泡沫塑料免得货物受压。Each case is lined with cream artificials in adjustment to assure the goods adjoin columnist.

采用组块式方法分别给予右小腿近踝部震动触觉刺激。All the subjects were given the vibrotactile stimulation on the right leg adjoin with the ankle.

集成芯片的部分。与其他部分邻接。可以指定输入、输出数目和针脚数。Section of an integrated chip. Adjoin with other sections. Number of inputs, outputs, and pins can be specified.

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它的北部郊区毗邻斯塔福德郡。南部和西南部的郊区与赫里福德伍斯特郡接壤。Its northern suburbs adjoin Staffordshire, and its southern and southwestern suburbs border on Hereford and Worcester.

如果你有一个隐藏的名片与你,你可以把任何东西让你的邻接信息时期。If you keep a stash of business cards with you, you can hand them out anybody period something wants your adjoin message.

他们经常傍晚枣这是他们睡醒的时候枣在妇女救济院四周的草地上碰头。They were in the habit of assembling at nightfall, the hour when they woke up, on the plains which adjoin the Salpetriere.