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不纯洁的来源又是什么呢?What are these sources of impurity?

仪式上的不洁也是暂时的。Ritual impurity is also impermanent.

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杂质泵试运转时呈现的泄漏。Impurity pump leak when commissioning.

杂质含量也很低,太棒了。The impurity content is very low. Wonderful!

也就是通常说的除杂增香。Be also usually say impurity increase incense.

它们都不能触到一个人内心的道德不洁。That does not touch moral impurity in a person.

本文认为这是玻璃内部所含的杂质氮化物所致。This is because of the impurity nitride in glass.

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目的研究药物睾丸素中所含的杂质。Aim To study the impurity of the drug testosterone.

加注的冷却水应是不含杂质的清洁软水。Fill soft water into cooling system without impurity.

你得用湿巾纸擦去实验室的这些杂质。You need wet-wipes to wipe off all impurity in the lab.

只有纯洁的人才能接触神圣。Only that which is free of impurity can contact the holy.

杂质辐射被离子玻恩斯坦波调制阻止。The impurity radiation can be interrupted by modulated IBW.

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还记得吗?不洁和罪孽总是和死亡联系在一起。Remember that impurity and sin are often associated with death.

将居民驱逐出去以后,土地会自我净化。The land will purge itself of the impurity by vomiting them out.

玷污“这个词指的是呈现一些不纯洁仪式的形式。The word "defiled" means to take on some form of ritual impurity.

想要变得纯洁,我们必须远离不纯洁的来源。So to be pure, one must separate ones self from sources of impurity.

两情相悦海誓山盟没有任何杂质的感情。The two lovers exchange solemn vows and pledges without any impurity.

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白色意味着无瑕,意味着清白,意味着道德的纯净。White implies freedom from spots, blemishes, or moral impurity. G. K.

因此没有东西是生来就因为仪式的不洁而有罪的。So there's nothing inherently sinful about contracting ritual impurity.

上帝也不再被毁了他圣所的不洁所排斥。And God is no longer repelled by the impurity that marred his sanctuary.