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生来便缺乏道德的遗产。They are born without moral patrimony.

三兄弟很快就把这些微不足道的遗产分了。They would soon have eaten up all the poor patrimony.

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赌博来拯救中国的文化遗产了。Gambling has come to the rescue of China's cultural patrimony.

布里恩法律有权继承财产和孩子的母亲对儿童的支持。Brehon Law entitled the child to patrimony and the mother to child support.

其中一些令人陶醉的城市因为它们的美丽,而宣称为人类共有的遗产。Some of these enchanted cities have been declared patrimony of humanity because of their beauty.

他立了一个内容详尽的遗嘱,一保证他的儿子以后能继承他的遗产。Then he made a detailed will to insure that his son should later take possession of his patrimony.

可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

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他们认定是犹太人霸占了他们的家园,夺走了他们的财产,对犹太人恨之入骨。They are consumed with hatred against the Jews who, they believe, have deprived them of their patrimony.

在“究竟是谁的遗产”一章中阿皮亚先生清楚地写明了许多文化遗产学说中的矛盾。In a chapter called "Whose culture is it, anyway?" Mr Appiah lays bare the illogicality of many cultural patrimony claims.

今天,我们把一批文物移交给国家文化研究所,这是所有秘鲁人的文化遗产。We give today to the National Institute of Culture a group of objects which belong to the cultural patrimony of all Peruvians.

于是他搬回老家,开始从事写作,借此来探索地狱厨房世代相承的不幸。Moresco moved back to his old neighborhood and started writing as a way to explore the pain and the patrimony of Hell's Kitchen.

大部分祖产都由一个基金会管理以换取所得税宽减,这一部分都由法定属于国家,不能变卖。Much of the patrimony is managed by a foundation and, in return for tax breaks, belongs by law to the nation and cannot be sold.

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作为控制技术,它与或者整个的遗产的金融管理的期刊总量相同。As control technique, it is not identical with the periodical inventory of the financial administration or of the entire patrimony.

在同教会中的腐败和寻租现象作斗争的过程中,独身制起到了关键性的作用,而上述两种现象都是世袭的典型产物。Celibacy was vital in the battle against corruption and rent-seeking within the church, both of which were the typical consequences of patrimony.

假如让我们拥有了整个世界,我们所有的力量就有了最终的意义,因为我们相信这些力量会帮助我们拥有祖先留下的遗产。The entire world is given to us, and all our powers have their final meaning in the faith that by their help we are to take possession of our patrimony.

尽管如此,除俄罗斯外,其他国家的财富均有增加,因为人力和物质资本的积累抵消了自然资本损耗所带来的损失。All of the countries except Russia nonetheless increased their wealth, accumulating enough other assets to offset the erosion of their natural patrimony.

常争吵和无能的国民议会通过了一项决议一致通过全力支持认捐奥尔特加在尼加拉瓜遗产辩护。The normally quarrelsome and feckless National Assembly passed a unanimous resolution pledging full support for Ortega in defense of Nicaraguan patrimony.

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历史园林是遗产特征之一,鉴于其性质,它的生存需要受过培训的专家长期不断的精心护理。The historic garden is one of the features of the patrimony whose survival, by reason of its nature, requires intensive, continuous care by trained experts.

当我们生活在自己制造的刺眼强光中时,我们已经阻碍了自身的进化和对文化遗产的继承——即人类的昼夜规律以及闪烁的星光。Living in a glare of our own making, we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural patrimony —the light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night.

1870年以前,教宗的世俗权力延伸到意大利中部的大部分地区,教皇国的版图以前被认为是“圣彼得的遗产”。Prior to 1870, the pope's temporal authority extended over a large area of central Italy, the territory of the Papal States that was formally known as the " Patrimony of St Peter".