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无论如何,也不能诽谤和诬蔑,没有证据地责难,扭曲事实。Calumny , unproved accusations and distortion of the facts should never be permitted.

整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery.

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虽然是亲戚的企业,但我不想搞特殊而招引来谗言。Although the relatives of the business, but I do not want to engage in special and strokes led to calumny.

此外,他们也发现他们本来希望避开的诽谤和憎恨一直在追逐着他们,甚至到意大利还摆脱不了。They also found that the calumny and hate from which they had hoped to escape followed them even to Italy.

文彬出言诬蔑小楼忘恩负义,刻意与他作对,月兰看在眼里,怒火中烧。Wen Bin speak calumny xiaolou ingratitude, deliberately against him, month LAN see in the eye, blood boil.

只要向历史请教一下,你便可以看到,在各个时代,所有自由的卫士是怎样受尽诽谤的。Question history, and learn how all the defenders of liberty in all times, have been overwhelmed by calumny.

回顾历史,你便可以看到,在各个时代,自由卫士是怎样受尽诽谤。Question history, and learn how all the defenders of liberty, in all times, have been overwhelmed by calumny.

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他发送提图斯和另外两个使集合,并删除所有的理由,诽谤他是充实自己。He sends Titus and two others to make the collections and to remove all grounds of calumny that he was enriching himself.

多宝揭发三子偷东西,但三子拒认,反诬蔑多宝拿起笔座掷向他们。Stealing treasure to expose the third, but refuse to recognize the third, the calumny stupa with pen holder throw at them.

凡对本机构进行无端诬陷或诽谤的个人和组织,本机构保留追究其法律责任!Any carry on without cause Wu to sink to this organization or calumny of personal with organization, this organization reserve pursue its law responsibility!

企图离婚只会弄得在法庭上当众出丑,成为仇人们诽谤他和贬低他崇高社会地位的良机。To attempt a divorce could only lead to a lawsuit and a scandal which would give his enemies great opportunity for calumny , and would lower his high position in Society.

糊涂的怀王听信谗言,疏远屈原,把他放逐到汉北,结果楚怀王被秦国骗去当了三年阶下囚,死在异国。Listen to calumny huai confused, alienated Qu Yuan, he was exiled to the north of Han, the result was the grandson of a prisoner for three years when Qin cheated, died in a foreign country.