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无视所有的预言。Disregard all prognostications.

所以忽略税的因素Well, let's just disregard taxes.

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我爱你,就会不顾一切。I love you, we will disregard all.

他并没有不注意脚注。He doesn't disregard the footnotes.

试着県顾切的想要忘记。Try to disregard of want to forget.

不干不净,完全无视个人卫生。And utter disregard for personal hygiene.

他做事不顾前后。He handled affairs disregard the procedure.

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请不顾凌乱状态,就坐在这儿吧。Please disregard the mess and sit right here.

所以现在我不会理会那些关于赤字的叫喊。So for now I would disregard the deficit hawks.

他全然不顾一切礼节。He has the greatest disregard for all formality.

置警告不顾的人受到了严厉的痛揍。Men who disregard the warning are beat severely.

只有在有关当事人事先约定的条件下,才受该惯例的约束。If such terms are used banks will disregard them.

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这项行政命令置法律于不顾。The administrations order was disregard of the law.

很多人疏忽于交通号志和法则。A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.

这项行政命令置法律于不顾。The administrational order was disregard of the law.

不要管你以前学过的东西,先听我的。Disregard what you have learned and just listen to me.

总是忽视他人的观点和建议。Always disregard other people’s opinions and suggestions.

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向后转,转向你的朋友,看别的地方,忽视她。Backturn, turn back to your friend, look away, disregard.

他们不顾自己的安危,维护着社会的安宁。They disregard their own safety, to maintain the social peace.

不过这种的漠视给了书本一种独享的自由。But with that disregard comes the freedom that only books have.