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香蕉、坚果。Banana nut.

翼形螺母的俯视图。Top view of wing nut.

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方头螺栓的俯视图。Top view of square nut.

他把坚果敲开。He clacked the nut open.

它们可是我最爱的坚果。They are my favorite nut.

我有一棵小坚果树。I had a little nut tree. ?

小松鼠喜欢吃坚果。Squirrel likes to eat nut.

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核仁坚果的可食的仁。The edible kernel of a nut.

我已经把那些细瓷盆子拿出来了。I've put out the nut dishes.

旋开锁住盘片的螺母。Unscrew the disc-locking nut.

取下主轴螺帽和垫圈。Remove a shaft nut and washer.

放松压紧螺帽工具。Loosen the compression nut tool.

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一些摆锤下面有螺母。Some bobs have a nut under them.

岩石击碎一条船将易如敲碎一只坚果。They can crack a ship like a nut.

用扳手扳紧锁紧帽。Tighten locking nut with spanner.

螺丝,螺帽及铆钉制造业“,”Screw, Nut and Rivet Manufacturing.

舵栓要用螺母安装。Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut.

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我还是让我的老板来啃这块儿硬骨头吧。I'll let my boss crack this hard nut.

火花塞和加工保留螺母。Sparkplug and machined retaining nut.

别惹他,他可是个难对付的家伙。Don't annoy him. He's a real tough nut.