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西班牙有名地有午休。The Spanish famously have siestas.

这个班出了名的难治理的班。The class is famously hard to govern.

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高度为3000米的默拉皮火山是著名不可预知的。The 3, 000-meter Merapi is famously unpredictable.

众所周知,肯尼迪曾说过,“我们选择飞向月球。"We choose to go to the moon, " he said, famously.

布什很出名的一点是,称自己为决定人。President Bush famously called himself the decider.

著于品质,卓于创新!Famously in quality, Remarkably lies in the innovation!

股市是一个以混乱和疯狂波动而著称的系统。The stock market is a famously complex and jittery system.

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它在回到未来三部曲中被极好的特写了一番。It was famously featured in the Back to the Future trilogy.

巴诺布猿以其顽皮和友好而著称。Bonobos on the other hand are famously playful and friendly.

巴诺布猿以其顽皮和友好而著称。Bonobos, on the other hand, are famously playful and friendly.

一些世界大牌经济学家的小气也是非常出名的。Some of the world's most famous economists were famously frugal.

就像嘉吉公司一样,嘉吉家族也是出了名的低调。Like the company that bears its name, the family is famously private.

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他是一名石像雕刻师的儿子,大约出生于公元前469年,苏格拉底因他的古怪而出名。The son of a stonemason, born around 469BC, Socrates was famously odd.

众所周知他是过气的英国摇滚乐队“深紫”的粉丝。He was famously a fan of the superannuated British rockers Deep Purple.

这道菜非常合重庆人爱吃辣的口味,也吊足了爱尝鲜的人的胃口。The dish appealed to locals' famously hot palate and taste for novelty.

生物武器也是一样,很难追踪到肇事者,这都是广为人知的。bioweapons, too, are famously difficult to trace back to a perpetrator.

她的父母曾对她说过一句广为人知的话,“你要比其他所有人都优秀。”Her parents famously told her, "You have to be better than all the rest.

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教义中描述的罗摩神,牠右手握的是什麽?。In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?

可惜,伟大的艺术有时却被野兽所爱,最恰当的例子非纳粹莫属。Great art, alas, has sometimes been loved by monsters, famously the Nazis.

由于是出了名的保密,苹果拒绝对有关“苹板”的的猜测进行评论。Famously secretive, Apple has refused to comment on the tablet speculation.