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去喝鲍鱼汤如何?How does abalone soup sound?

为鲍鱼的干制品。For abalone and dried products.

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捕得的每条鲍鱼都必须附上标签并且在报告卡上做出记录。Every abalone taken must be tagged and recorded on the report card.

我们吃了海鲜虾和掷骰子赌博,和喝了一些鲍鱼汤。We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone soup.

这种结构与红鲍鱼壳的结构类似。This rod-shaped structure is similar to the abalone shell in nature.

愈创木酚对于皱纹盘鲍贝壳沉积过程的影响。The effect of dietary guaiacol on the shell biomineralization of abalone.

最后,你会隐瞒在鲍鱼和鱼翅的花了多少钱吗?Would you, ultimately, fib about how much you spend on abalone and shark’s fin?

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2008年,科学家们发现了两组工具和两个充满赭石鲍鱼壳。The two clusters of tools and two ocher-filled abalone shells were found in 2008.

只可能在从旧金山往北到俄勒冈州边界的海岸边捕得鲍鱼。Abalone may only be taken off the coast from San Francisco north to the Oregon border.

再与鲍鱼菇、八角香料、红酒炖煮。Pan-fried chicken thigh stewed together with abalone mushroom, red wine, and star anise.

在荣成,有养殖“大连1号”杂交鲍鱼的没有?Be in Rong Cheng City , have do not having breeding "1 number of Dalian" hybridization abalone?

光是1989-1999年间,全世界的养殖鲍鱼产量就攀升6倍以上。From 1989 to 1999 alone, world-wide production of farmed abalone increased more than 600 percent.

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高度反光的表面和鲍鱼壳使这张照片的拍摄成为真正的挑战。The highly reflective surface and the abalone shell made this photograph a real challenge to take.

公司养殖场占地面积8000平方米,年生产200多吨鲍鱼等水产品。It has a factory of up to 8000m2. Our annual production of abalone is of at least 200tons per year.

结合现代光学理论,分析了鲍贝壳具有独特晕彩的原因。Based on the theory of modern optics, the origin of the unique iridescence of abalone shell is analyzed.

以组织学方法研究了45日龄皱纹盘鲍的消化系统。The digestive system of 45 day-old abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino is studied by histological method.

蚝皇芥末鲍鱼做得很出色,但丰富的果味盖过了这道菜的味道。The Braised Abalone with Oyster and Mustard Sauce is done nicely but the wine is too fruity for this dish.

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用显微镜观察鲍鱼壳的内表面,你可以发现一些刮痕,这些都有可能是在混合颜料的过程中留下来的。Microscopic striations on the inner abalone surface likely are likely scrape marks left during paint mixing.

将杏鲍菇切成花形后,然后沥干水份备用,将它炸至金黄色。Cut the Abalone Mushrooms into small pieces. Drain away water and fry the abalone mushrooms till golden brown.

海獭是能够使用工具的少数动物之一,它会用石头击开猎物,如海胆或鲍鱼。One of the few animals that use tools, sea otters use rocks to smash open prey such as sea urchins or abalone.