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本章主要通过伦琴的三篇通讯和一篇采访伦琴的报告论述发现过程。Roentgens communications and a newspapers report for Roentgen are referred.

伦软一名医生解剖一名死者的大肠。The roentgen soft famous doctor biology and anatomy splits a dead's large intestine.

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1895年伦琴发现X射线,为医学影像学奠定了基础。X-ray was discovered by Roentgen in 1895, which establishes foundation of Medical Imaging.

自100多年前伦琴发现“X”射线以来,医学图像经历了革命性的发展。Since Roentgen discovered the X-ray more than 100 years ago, the medical image has experienced the revolutionary development.

应用变形补偿X线分析,并对相邻节段旋转和平移活动进行预期的量化。Employing Distortion Compensated Roentgen Analysis, rotational and translational motion at adjacent levels was quantified prospectively.

在离开四号机组的时候,我问安德烈现在附近的辐射数值大概有多少,他淡淡地说一千多微伦琴左右吧。Four units left, I asked Andrea about is near the value of the number of radiation, he said dismissively of micro Roentgen more than a thousand or so.

而李正勋在婚后一直跟初恋情人兼顶级明星银慧贞保持着不伦的暧昧关系。But Li Zhengxun in after marriage bright has been maintaining loyally with the first love sweetheart concurrently top star silver not roentgen ambiguous relations.

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在试验期间,那是从1963-1971年进行的,试验对象的睾丸被暴露在600伦琴的辐射下,这超过了最大推荐量的100倍。During the experiment, which ran from 1963 to 1971, the subjects' testicles were exposed to 600 roentgen of radiation, which is 100 times the maximum recommended dose.

下半时纽伦堡略有起色,对不来梅的比赛中丢了5球的伦辛,表现依然不能让人放心。The latter half Nuremberg improves slightly, threw 5 ball roentgen Xin to Bremen's competition, the performance has still not been able to let the human feel relieved.

1895年,威廉。伦琴发现X射线时,一些新闻工作者深信使用具有暴露作用的短波放射线的人,将成为“偷窥者”。When the X-ray was discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895, some journalists were convinced that the primary user of the revealing shortwave radiation would be the " peeping Tom ."

几经挫折与努力,伦琴终于以优异的成绩考取苏黎士学院,可毕业时学校又因他的履历问题拒绝他做一位知名教授的助手。Going through thorn and effort, Roentgen entered the college with his outstanding scores. However he was refused him as an assistant to an eminent professor because of his resume problem.

充分这项研究的结果,对射频消融治疗肾肿瘤,出现在2007年8月发行的美国x线学杂志刊登的由美国伦琴射线社会。The full results of this study on radiofrequency ablation of kidney tumors appear in the August 2007 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology , published by the American Roentgen Ray Society.

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1895年,威廉・伦琴偶然发现阴极射线管能使涂有一层氰亚铂酸盐钡的薄相纸发光,甚至当阴极射线管和相纸分别放在不同的房间时也能发光。In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.