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你认为健身远胜过肥胖You Think Fitness Trumps Fatness

他的肥胖使他无法摸到脚趾。His fatness renders him unable to touch his toes.

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他长得肥胖,因此在办公室经常被人取笑。His fatness exposes him to a lot of joking at the office.

上帝创造了这种茶叶,用于减少富人的过度肥胖。God has created this tea to reduce rich people's extra fatness.

这意味着,胖与瘦只是一枚硬币的两个面,因为它们可能是被同一类基因所控制的。It mean that fatness and thinness could be two sides of the same coin.

它们的兴盛和肥壮正是地方的贫瘠。Their prosperity and their fatness mean the impoverishment of the country.

血浆VLDL浓度可以作为矮小型鸡只体脂沉积性状的选种指标。Blood plasma VLDL concentration can be used as an indicator to select fatness traits.

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经加脂后革柔软、丰满、弹性好,不松面、不油腻。The supple leather was obtained with full, elasticity, not loosing grain and fatness.

你们若细心听我,你们就能吃丰美的食物,你们的心灵必因脂膏而喜悦。Hearken diligently to me, and eat that which is good, and your soul shall be delighted in fatness.

稳定的血糖能有效防止过度饥饿引起的暴食及肥胖。Steady blood sugar can efficiently prevent guzzle and fatness which is aroused by excessive hunger.

1996年,世界卫生组织建立了一个肥胖和身体质量指数数据库,身体质量指数是衡量肥胖的通行标准。In 1996, WHO set up a global database on obesity and body mass index, the common measure of fatness.

中国的肥胖流行可能是来源于针对人体肥胖所流行的社会态度。China's obesity epidemic may have some roots in the prevailing social attitudes towards body fatness.

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愿神赐你天上的甘露,地上的肥土,并许多五谷新酒。Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine

尽管如今已有很多的嫌犯,但肥胖究竟影响大脑的机制却并没有完全弄清。Why fatness should affect the brain in this way is not clear, although a host of culprits have been suggested.

这使它更容易增加体重,也使你更容易遇到肥胖常常带来的健康问题。This makes it easier to gain weight, and makes you more prone to the health problems that fatness often brings.

到那日雅各的荣耀,必至枵薄,他肥胖的身体,必渐瘦弱。And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.

到那天,雅各伯的的光荣必要衰落,他肥满的身躯必要消瘦。And it shall come to pass in that day, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall grow lean.

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听起来可能很可怕,但它们却是当时建议用来治疗从口气不佳到秃头,肥胖到胃胀气的药方。Gruesome as they may sound, they were recommended as remedies for everything from bad breath to baldness, fatness to flatulence.

苏格兰儿童的肥胖水平仅次于美国,居全世界第二,英格兰儿童的肥胖水平居第八位。Levels of fatness in Scottish children are second worst in the world, behind the US, while children in England are eighth worst.

一些宗教团体把财富看作是拯救和有高尚道德的象征,把肥胖看作是富有和康乐的象征。In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.