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吉兰丹马来文化的摇篮。Cradle of Malay Culture!

我可以讲福建话、英语和马来语。I speak Fujian dialect, English and Malay.

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作者是新加坡国立大学退休马来文教授。The writer is a retired NUS professor in Malay.

在途中,您将通过典型的马来的房子。This is one of the typical malay kampong house.

我住在马来西亚,可是不会讲好国文。I live in Malaysia, but cannot speak good Malay.

让我们来学习马来语,掌握马来文吧!Let's start learning and mastering Malay as well.

动物园中还有两只来自马来半岛的合趾长臂猿。The zoo also has two siamangs from the Malay peninsula.

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“信诃补罗”在马来文中意为“狮城”。"Triple-Romania letter" in Malay and Italy as "Singapore.

许多马来佳肴都会加入峇拉煎来提味。Many of Malay dishes are added Belacan to increase tastes.

她确保他们在家里学好英文和马来文。She made sure they learned English and Malay well at home.

马来半岛在1942年到1945年被日本占领。The Malay Peninsular was occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945.

官方语言是英语,华话,马来语和泰米尔语。The official languages are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil.

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最叫我感动的是张志伟老师也在旁替我们加油打气!The most let me touch is Malay teacher come and support us! ! !

为要牧养讲国语的信徒。时间表已可下载。Pastoring of Malay Speaking Members. Schedule is ready for download.

椰浆饭是马来人最普遍的食品,虽然在每个新加坡的大排档都可以找得到,但只有马来人做的才是最好味、最正宗的。Nasi Lemak is a popular Malay dish made of rice cooked in coconut milk.

芽茏士乃是新加坡马来族群的文化中心地。Geylang Serai is the cultural heart of the Malay community in Singapore.

官方语言为英语,粤语和马来语同样通行。English is the official language, but Cantonese and Malay are also spoken.

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到了七岁的时候,他们就会上小学,这时候所有的课程都是使用马来语了。When they enter primary school, at age seven, lessons are conducted in Malay.

巫文是黏著语,新词由三种方法形成。Malay is an agglutinative language, and new words are formed by three methods.

我们不能成为中国、印度、西方国家或者马来群岛的伸延部分。We cannot be an extension of China, India, the West, or the Malay archipelago.