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这场大地震中至少有34,073人死亡和245,109人受伤。The temblor killed at least 34, 073 and injured another 245, 109.

在地震袭击的星期一的下午,数以千计的孩子正在上着课。Thousands of children were in class when the temblor hit Monday afternoon.

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奶品丑闻是一起令人难过的人身悲剧,一场深刻的政治地震。The milk scandal is a grievous personal tragedy and a deep political temblor.

地震遁辞了南加州大部分地区,不过造成的损失较小。The temblor rattled a large swath of Southern California but caused little damage.

据悉,意大利中部最近一次大地震发生在2002年,震级为5.4级,造成28人遇难。The last major quake to hit central Italy was a 5.4-magnitude temblor in 2002, killing 28.

当然,这个易发地震的国家也从未发生过9.0级地震。Of course, never before has this earthquake-prone country recorded a 9.0-magnitude temblor.

在主震过后,至少又发生了20次6级以上的余震。At least 20 aftershocks registering a 6.0 magnitude or higher have followed the main temblor.

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在主震过后,至少又发生了20次6级以上的余震。At least 20 aftershocks registering a 6.0 magnitude or hellogher have followed the main temblor.

产生印度洋海啸的9.3级大地震发生在2004年12月26日。And the huge 9.3 temblor that spawned the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 occurred on Dec. 26.

这次地震又毁坏了七万一千间房屋,至少有一人遇难,400多人受伤。The latest temblor destroyed another 71,000 homes. At least one person was killed, more than 400 were injured.

西部的这次地震发生后的几分钟,在北京郊区的通州发生了另一个,小规模的地震。Minutes after the western temblor struck, a second, smaller quake struck Tongzhou, an outer district of Beijing.

地震破坏了道路和桥梁,导致几座铜矿和几家铜冶炼厂至少暂时关闭。The temblor twisted roads and bridges, while shutting several copper mines and refineries, at least temporarily.

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因此,从历史的角度来讲,一夜之间震动首都地区的8.8级地震并不令人惊奇。And so the 8.8-magnitude temblor that shook the capital region overnight was not a surprise, historically speaking.

强震导致总统官邸、政府大楼、住屋、学校、古迹和市区最大的医院倒塌。The temblor collapsed the presidential palace, ministries, homes, schools, monuments and the city's largest hospital.

严格的说,那次强震属于差不多一个月前袭击这个国家的灾难性9.0级地震的余震.Technically, that strong shaking was an aftershock of the devastating 9.0 temblor that hit the nation nearly a month ago.

对2004年12月地震震级强度的最初预测把以印度尼西亚苏门答腊为中心的地震估算为8.0级。The first predictions of the 2004 quake’s magnitude estimated the Sumatra, Indonesia-centered temblor had a magnitude of 8.0.

青海那座我曾经住过的四层混凝土建筑,如果遇到地震的话,无疑会成为一座一层高的坟墓。The building where I stayed in Qinghai was a four-story concrete box that I had no doubt would be a one-story tomb in a temblor.

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那是在加州兰德斯发生7.3级地震、接下来数日和数天时间内在整个美国西部地区引发地震的时候。That's when a 7.3-magnitude temblor in Landers, Calif. , 'lit up the whole western U. S. with quakes over the next few hours and days.

长时间以来地震学家们一致认为,以目前的科学技术,还不能预测地震,而且人类从未准确预知过任何一次大地震。Seismologists have long concurred, saying the technology doesn't exist to predict a quake and that no major temblor has ever been foretold.

上个月,同样是在这个地区,里氏6.5级地震曾造成这座位于Humboldt海湾的宁静城镇——尤里卡的上百座建筑被破坏。The temblor was in the same area as last month's 6.5 earthquake that damaged hundreds of buildings in Eureka, a quiet town on Humboldt Bay.