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我喜欢牛排。I'd like beefsteak.

我就要份牛排。I will take the beefsteak.

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我要一份牛排。I will take the beefsteak.

嗯……吃牛排好吗?Well, how about beefsteak?

这份牛排还未熟透!The beefsteak is underdone!

我可以推荐烤牛排吗?。May I recommend roast beefsteak?

今天的牛排很不错。The beefsteak is very good today.

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牛排是英国人最喜欢的食物。Beefsteak is British favorite food.

我要熟一点儿的牛排。I would like my beefsteak well-done.

很多中国人不喜欢吃牛排。Many Chinese doesn't like beefsteak.

喜欢,这里的牛排真好吃。Yeah, the beefsteak here is delicious.

我不喜欢吃半生不熟的牛排。I don't care for half-cooked beefsteak.

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挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的惯技。To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice.

皮尔斯说,他领导的团队已经制造出烤牛排的味道。Peirce said that he leads the team has governed composes roasts the beefsteak the flavor.

“你该在青眼睛上放一块好吃的生牛排,先生,那才妙呢。”一个肉店的小伙计说。"You ought to put a nice raw beefsteak on it, Mister, that's what it wants, " said a butcher's boy.

荷兰人用奶油煎牛排,牛排放在平底锅里略微煎一下就拿起来。Dutch uses beefsteak of butyric fry in shallow oil, beefsteak is put in decoct of the appreciably in pan to be taken.

午餐的主菜有全聚德烤鸭、软煎鱼和八旗羊肉、煎牛扒,您喜欢用哪一种?For the main course of lunch, we have Peking roast duck, fried fish, Manchurian lamb and beefsteak. Which would you like?

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在这里,您还可以在晨光中享用中西自助餐,在和熙的午后,品尝下午茶,在摇曳烛光中享用特色牛排。Here you can still enjoy Chinese and Western buffet in the fresh morning, taste tea in the vernal afternoon and regale special beefsteak in the charming night.

东坡肉一般取用五花肉为原料,但是昨晚的宾客们吃到的是牛排肉,用最好的酱汁炖煮后,低温慢煮出细腻口感。This dish is usually made from pork belly, but last night the guests had a beefsteak instead. The meat is braised in the best soy sauce, and slow cooked to tender perfection.

如恺撒色拉、菲力牛排,包括甜品草莓沙弗莉等,都有需在客人餐桌边完成的不成文惯例。If Kai scatters beefsteak of force of salad, humble, include sweetmeats strawberry Sha Fuli to wait, those who need to be finished in guest table edge do not become article usual practice.