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请去把我的帽子取来。Please fetch my cap.

去把她接回来。Go and fetch her home.

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我给你取来。I’ll fetch it for you.

请把我的帽子取来。Fetch me my hat please.

跑步去拿,小老鼠。Run and fetch it, Mousy.

什么是多行获取?What is multi-row fetch?

请把我的眼镜取来。Fetch me my glasses, please.

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我很快就会付足余款的。I'll fetch the balance soon.

她去打水去了。She has gone to fetch water.

你能给我取点纸吗?Can you fetch me some paper ?

他能胜过他的对手吗?Can he fetch over his opponent?

我叫他去取些粉笔回来。I get him to fetch some chalks.

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教一只狗取东西并送回来。Teach a dog to fetch and carry.

这种药物能使他苏醒过来。This medicine will fetch him to.

他为了取出工具而将树砍倒了。He cut it down to fetch his tool.

粉红色火烈鸟每只可以卖到3000欧元。Pink flamingoes fetch up to ?3,000.

请到我的房间给我取一把笤帚来。Please fetch me a broom to my room.

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去替我装满一桶水来。Will someone fetch a pail of water?

你能把它拿出来给我看看吗?Can you fetch it out and show me it?

我去贾木纳河打水。I go to River Jamuna to fetch water.