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庞塞是位做任何事情都不耽搁时间的人。Ponce was not a man to wast time in any undertaking.

帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast.

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国防部长胡安·庞斯·恩瑞尔请求他加入反抗马科斯的起义。Juan Ponce Enrile, the defense minister, was asking him to join an uprising against Marcos.

厄瓜多尔国防部部长哈维尔。庞塞礼拜一说,提高工资是在上星期的动乱之前就已经打算好的。Defense Minister Javier Ponce said Monday the salary hikes were planned before last week's unrest.

庞塞·德莱昂的存在是短暂的,他遭到了美洲土著势力的袭击并卒于古巴附近。Ponce de Leon's presence was brief as he was attacked by native American forces and died in nearby Cuba.

以苹果渣为原料从中提取多糖,并对多糖进行脱蛋白和脱色处理。Technologies of removing proteins and pigments from polysaccharides extracted from apple ponce were studied.

庞塞·德莱昂在北美海岸发现一个半岛,他给这个半岛命名为佛罗里达,并将这当成了一次殖民探险。Ponce de Leon found a peninsula on the coast of North America, called the new land 'Florida' and chartered a colonizing expedition.

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数年前维拉兹盖兹回到他出生的岛上,买了一幢新的房子和工作室位在比较干燥的南方,接近庞赛城。Several years ago, Velázquez returned to his native island and bought a new home and workshop in the dry southern part, near the city of Ponce.

他们俩拿着吉他和班卓,上了码头朝邦斯德利昂走了。灯光和歌声都从那儿开着的大门里透出来。They went on along the dock carrying their guitar and banjo toward where the light and the singing were coming out of the open door of the Ponce de Leon.

庞塞·德莱昂,凭借着总督的权利决定考察北部地区,那是传闻中拥有不老泉的地方,据说喝了不老泉的人可以重获青春。Ponce de Leon, freed of his governorship, decided to explore areas to the north, where there was rumored to be a fountain of youth that restored the youth of anyone drinking from it.

即使到了16世纪早期,波多黎各的总督庞塞‧德莱昂还带领了三只船去比米尼寻找类似的生命之泉,结果他发现了佛罗里达州。Even as late as the early 16th century, the governor of Puerto Rico, Ponce de Leon, set off with three ships to find a similar fountain in the land of Bimini, but discovered Florida instead.