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加上一个常数。Plus a constant.

它就是常数级复杂度。It has a constant.

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不完全是常数。Not quite constant.

下一个。OK, constant volume.

数据是否为常量?Is the data constant?

引力是一个常数。Gravity is a constant.

以k1的速率常数。With a rate constant k1.

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因此,这是个常数。And so, this is constant.

这项研究花了很长时间That is a constant study.

他是一个忠贞不渝的爱人。He was the constant lover.

代入pdV项中。Then pressure is constant.

这是他不变的特质This was a constant trait.

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保持燃油流动量均匀。Keep the fuel flow constant.

对于平衡常数。For the equilibrium constant.

历史上变化是赓续的。Change is constant in history.

还要求该恒定电流。Also calls the constant current.

当我保持压强恒定。If I keep the pressure constant.

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所以这是个固定的n值。So, this is a constant n number.

这里有一个常数。And there is a constant out here.

它是一个值一个恒量。It is a number, it is a constant.