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他的那只猎兔犬就这样的。That's what his beagle did.

他们试着使小猎犬和圣伯纳狗交配。They tried to cross a beagle with a Saint Bernard.

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贝尔格号继续驶向南美海岸。The Beagle continued to the coast of South America.

达尔文在贝格尔号上“阔绰”的住处。Darwin's "generous" accommodations aboard the Beagle.

其中一艘勘测船将被命名为英国舰队贝格尔号。One of these survey ships was to be named H.M.S. Beagle.

英国舰队贝格尔号和开拓号返回英国普利茅斯港。H.M.S. Beagle and Adventure return to England at Plymouth.

在没有咨询我的猎兔犬董事会时我还从未决定!I never make a decision without consulting my beagle board!

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当达尔文看到贝格尔号时,心沉到了海底。When Darwin saw the Beagle his heart sank into his stomach.

这是在这段时间,达尔文开始写贝格尔号日记。It was during this time that Darwin started his Beagle Diary.

贝格尔号换新木板肋材,并换上铜质船壳。The Beagle was refitted with new timber planking and copper hull.

英国舰队贝格尔号从伍尔维奇船坞下水,入泰晤士河。H.M.S. Beagle was launched from the Woolwich Dockyards on the River Thames.

从1826到1843年,贝格尔号执行了三次考察任务。The Beagle was engaged in three survey missions from the years 1826 to 1843.

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开比格尔之前,我没有调查在附近居住和工作的人群。Before I opened The Beagle I didn't research who lived and worked in the area.

Walgren过去说的关于“小猎犬号”白酒在直接和交叉研究。Walgren goes over what White said about the Beagle study under direct and cross.

犬吠公园酒店藏在一个世界上最大的小猎犬里面。Dog Bark Park Inn is a bed & breakfast guest house inside the World's Biggest Beagle.

哪位总统在公众面前揪着狗耳朵提起他的米格鲁狗,引起一片哗然?What president caused public outcry when he picked up his beagle puppies by the ears?

“比格尔号”的使命是绘制海岸线地图,以用于商业及军事目的。The Beagle was on a mission to map the coastline for commercial and military purposes.

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注射强力霉素抗生素条件下,该雌性的比格犬确实在紫外光照射下发光。When given a doxycycline antibiotic, the female beagle literally glows under UV light.

王秋霞是北京环保组织“达尔问自然求知社”项目官员。Wang Qiuxia is a project officer at Beijing- based environmental organisation Green Beagle.

到12月3日,天气好转,达尔文又开始在贝格尔号上睡觉。By 3 December the weather held promise and Darwin started sleeping onboard the Beagle again.