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响沙湾?Sounding Sand Bay?

你们的身体是试探水深的船板。Your body is a sounding board.

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对啊,这里就是响沙湾。Yes, this is the Sounding Sand Bay.

随着一声号角,光亮再现。As a clarion sounding light returns.

所以人们就管它叫响石。So people call it the Sounding Stone.

几乎是同样音高,对吗Almost the same sounding pitch. Right?

但是你应该避免给人感觉太自负。But you should avoid sounding overly boastful.

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轰鸣的瀑布声萦绕于耳,如同滂湃的激情。The sounding cataract haunted me like a passion.

后面就像是一部古希腊罗马小说。Then it starts sounding like a Greco-Roman novel.

一时间,政府似乎做起了自我检讨。Suddenly the government is sounding self-critical.

那我便是敲的锣响的钹。I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.

我听到一位有着一把好嗓子的老者在说话。I heard an older sounding chap with a golden voice.

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他可以听到远处号兵在吹起床号。Far away he could hear trumpeters sounding reveille.

老板要我们少发意见多生产。The boss wants less sounding off and more production.

是一个听起来顺滑以及具有丰富回响声音混响。It is one of the smoother and richer sounding reverbs.

最佳造型放探空我能找到的钱。Best sounding modelling amp I could find for the money.

和弦是许多音同时发声。A chord is a simultaneous sounding of a number of notes.

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此判断与地震测深的结果一致。This inference is coincident with deep seismic sounding.

一个听起来像官方的声音叫她从车里面出来。An official sounding voice told her to get out of the car.

他做的木琴也总是越来越动听。His marimbas were sounding better and better all the time.