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这车是去住宅区的吗?Is this bus going uptown?

他在住宅区租了一间公寓。He rented an apartment uptown.

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而在上城一处比较温和的淋浴场景中。And in a more modest shower uptown.

她一直住在上城的有钱人世界。She's been living in her uptown world.

我在哪里换车到上城区快车?Where can I transfer to the uptown express?

你要开车到郊区接他?You have to drive all the way uptown to get him?

是闹中取静的最佳室第区。Be in be troubled by, take static optimal uptown.

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我的上城女孩,你知道我爱上一个上城女孩。My uptown girl, you know I'm in love with an uptown girl.

每周五,我都要很辛苦地带着奥德丽去住宅区看儿童生活专家。Every Friday, I trek uptown with Audrey to see a child life specialist.

我想去城外。为什么这会发生在我身上?怎么回事?”And I'm trying to go uptown. Why is this happening to me? What's going on?"

快到约会的时间,他游游荡荡地向夜总会的大门走去。When it was time for his appointment he drifted uptown to the club entrance.

在丽都,这一切都只是从您的住宅区公寓家庭数的脚步。At The Cosmopolitan, it's all just a few footsteps from your uptown apartment home.

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有一段时间,我最喜欢去达拉斯市区的峡谷星餐厅吃饭。At one time, one of my favorite restaurants in the Uptown Dallas area was Star Canyon.

我会去城外较远的地方,或去看看纽约一些我从没见过的地方。I go uptown far away or, you know, go see some place that I've never seen in New York.

她渐渐厌倦她的高级玩具和所有上城男孩迭给她的礼物。She's getting tired of her high class toys, and all her presents from her uptown boys.

司机接来曼哈顿最好的厨师,在家里给她上厨艺课。The finest Manhattan chefs were chauffeured uptown to give her private cooking classes.

当我史丹佛在市区狂欢时,萨曼塔在城中她最爱的浪漫餐厅等待着威廉。I did downtown, Samantha was uptown waiting for William at her favorite romantic restaurant.

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“生活在住宅区,工作在商业区”已成为许多北京年轻人的一种流行的生活方式的选择。"Live uptown but work downtown" has been a popular lifestyle choice for many young Beijingers.

文学爱好者将会钟情于这家独特的床位加早餐旅馆,因为它与纽约市郊唯一的古文物研究书店联系紧密。Literature lovers will adore this quirky B&B linked to Uptown New York's only antiquarian bookshop.

河北张家口未通自来水的老住宅区内,母子俩人抬水归来。In the old uptown which has not supplied tap water yet the mother and the son return, carrying water.