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没有一个人能够阻止冬天的“进攻”。No one can stop the onset of winter.

多数在儿童煳青少年期起病。Most of onset in children and adolescents.

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咽喉发炎前期使用果亦佳。Best used at the onset of throat irritation.

他开始发烧时便去看医生了。He go to see a doctor at the onset of a fever.

他开始发烧时便去看医生了。He went to see a doctor at the onset of a fever.

出现感冒或类似流感症状时就服用。Take them at the onset of cold or flu-like symptoms.

平均开始吸第一支烟的年龄为13.0岁。The average age of onset cigarette is 13.0 years old.

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导致癫痫大发作的喹诺酮类药品。The onset of the great cause epilepsy quinolone drugs.

寻常型鱼鳞病的发病通常在出生后一年之内就已开始。The onset of IV is usually within one year after birth.

在当前的疫情开始时,奥尔森很担心。At the onset of the current outbreak Olsen was concerned.

周期性嗜睡的发病年龄大多在十几岁。Age of onset of periodic somnolence mostly in their teens.

CSE齿延缓切削齿的破裂和磨损。CSE Cutter delays the onset of fracturing and cutter wear.

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敌人的猛烈攻击致使全军大乱。The fierce onset of the enemy broke the ranks of the army.

痴呆症的发作没有预兆,也没有哀悼。But the onset of dementia invites no ceremony, no grieving.

他生命的火焰终因肺炎的侵袭而被掐灭了。His life is finally extinguished by the onset of pneumonia.

突然发作呼吸急促、呼吸困难和心动过速。There is sudden onset of tachypnea dyspnea, and tachycardia.

摄入咖啡还可以延迟睑痉挛的发作。Coffee intake was also tied to a delay in blepharospasm onset.

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他于1月19日出现症状并于1月26日死亡。He had onset of symptoms on 19 January and died on 26 January.

同心圆影像改变多需数月追踪始现。The image of Balo in MRI began at several months from the onset.

双语能力似乎还能够延迟老年痴呆症的发病时间。Bilingualism even seems to delay the onset of dementia in old age.