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丽晶宾馆。The Regent Hotel.

摄政王还活着?The Regent alive?

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这是晶华酒店的豪华套房。This is a deluxe suite in the Grand Regent.

这所选定的公寓面对着摄政公园。The lodgings selected faced the Regent Gardens.

我记得那是叫丽晶比佛利山庄酒店,I think it's called Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel,

其中一个因维人打断了他,“摄政王被杀了?" one of the Invid cut him off. "The Regent killed?

张成泽将扮演摄政王的角色,支持金正云。The idea is that Mr Chang will act as a kind of regent.

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摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.

重组IL-2已被临床作为治疗性药物应用。Recombinant IL-2 demonstrated a value regent in clinic therapy.

喂,西达出租车吗?我在REGENT饭店,你可以派一辆车来吗?Hello, Sida Taxi?I'm at the REGENT Hotel. Can you send me a cab?

007和丽晶街上和科芬园是指出他们的商店。Bond and Regent streets and Covent Garden are noted for their shops.

泰斯拉一把抓住假摄政王的肉甲,把他拖到地上跪下。Tesla grabbed the false Regent by the cowl and dragged him to his knees.

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我赶到丽晶酒店的时候马拉穿着浴袍。WHEN I GET to the Regent Hotel, Marla's in the lobby wearing a bathrobe.

“你的自大会送了你的命。”瑞金特一边走向门口,一边说。"Your egotism will be the death of you, " the Regent said from the door.

晚上和格莱托同去雷根大街观看节日装饰。Last night they went to Regent Street with Gretel to see the decorations.

瑞金特切断了连线,爱德华兹坐在那里,头晕目眩。The Regent broke the connection and Edwards sat there, his head swimming.

当亨利八世身在法国时,她代理英国摄政王长达六个月。For six months, she served as regent of England while Henry VIII was in France.

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哦!真是太客气了!我会向摄政王面禀,说你很合作,也很有效率。Oh! How very kind! I will speak to the Regent of your cooperation and efficiency.

半公里外的摄政街苹果旗舰店也有同样的商品。Well, all the same stuff as in the Apple store half a mile away on Regent Street.

“为什么?你究竟什么意思呢,将军?”假摄政王沉默片刻后说道。"Why, whatever do you mean, General?" the false Regent said after a short silence.