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她陶醉于林地的美景。She drank in the beauty of the woodland scene.

他们整个上午都在林中小径上漫步。They spent the morning rambling woodland paths.

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发展下层林地植被的层次。Develop vegetative layers of woodland understory.

这地区以森林景色著称。The region is remarkable for its woodland scenery.

那么一大片的花海究竟需要多长时间形成?How long it will take to fill a complete a woodland?

沃尔夫注视着它垂直掉落在一片被毁坏的林地中。Wolff watched it plummet toward a ravaged area of woodland.

员工努力协助林地回复原来面貌。ETSA employees help restore farmland back to natural woodland.

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那条铁路旁边有一片矮灌木丛和林地。There is an area of scrub and woodland beside the railway line.

这条小径穿过葱郁的林区和洒满阳光的草地。The trail wends its way through leafy woodland and sunny meadows.

小溪和林中水潭供给饮用水和供解寒用。Streams and woodland pools provide water for drinking and cooling.

米勒拥有这片地,洛克有那片,而曼宁是那片树林的主人。Miller owns this field, Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond.

我们最早的祖先也通常生活在林地环境中。Our earliest ancestors also typically occupied woodland environments.

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用树皮屑铺成的小路会给人以林间小道的印象。Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.

伍蓝德对此问题深深着迷,他的构想是利用紫外线墨水。Woodland was fascinated by this problem and his idea was to use ultraviolet ink.

鼹鼠以前从没有见过雪,没见过这个可以把这片林地装扮得既陌生又美丽的雪。Mole had never seen snow before. It made the woodland look strange and beautiful.

在澳大利亚,农业已经改变或毁坏了一半的林地和森林。In Australia, agriculture has altered or destroyed half of all woodland and forests.

春天在林地上施展魔法,洒满一地的风铃草。Spring is working it's magic on the woodland floor, spreading a carpet of bluebells.

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和林地隔离开,光照愈充足,愈温暖的地段,藏匿的蜱虫愈少。The sunny, warmer landscape, separated from woodland habitat, should harbor few ticks.

常见留鸟及冬候鸟。广泛分布于香港的树林。Common resident and winter visitor. Widely distributed in woodland throughout Hong Kong.

二十年后Woodland继续协助设计通用产品代码系统,今天这个系统已经是无处不在。Two decades later Woodland went on to help devise the UPC system in universal use today.