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花盘波状的环状的或不规则浅裂。Disk undulate annular or irregularly lobed.

叶片具两面有鳞的,全缘的鳞片,或浅裂的。Leaf blade with both surfaces scaly, scales entire, or lobed.

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他们有突出的眼睛,勇敢,翅膀和有叶的下面尖刻了。They have prominent eyes, boldly cut wings and lobed undersides.

有分裂的常青叶子和黑色小而圆的果实的旧大陆藤蔓植物。Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits.

波瓣喷管引射器具有高效的引射掺混特性。The ejector with a lobed nozzle is of high efficiency in pumping and mixing.

叶轮式测量室是叶轮和流量叶壳体间的空间。In the lobed impeller the measuring chambers are the space between the lobes and the meter housing.

早期鱼类的叶状鳍已经变成为如翅膀、鱼鳍、蹄和手等多种多样的结构。The lobed fins of early fish have turned into structures as diverse as wings, fins , hoofs and hands.

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叶对生,单,有时浅裂,通常具大的腺体补丁近基部,通常背面灰色粉状。Leaves opposite, simple, sometimes lobed , usually with large gland patches near base, often abaxially gray mealy.

叶片3-或5浅裂,倍于中央裂片,尾状渐尖的侧面裂片的先端的通常侧面裂片。Leaf blade 3- or 5- lobed , lateral lobes usually as long as central lobe, apex of lateral lobes caudate-acuminate.

在整个北半球和波利尼西亚有大约400种橡树,这些树木或灌木有长长的、浅裂的叶子。About 400 species exist throughout the northern hemisphere and in Polynesia, as trees or shrubs with long, lobed leaves.

金莲花一种金莲花属的植物,具有掌状裂片叶,球形黄色花,许多骨突。Any of several plants of the genus Trollius having palmately lobed leaves, solitary, usually yellow flowers, and many follicles.

瓣蹼鹬瓣蹼鹬科的一种小型涉水禽鸟,类似矶鹞,但长有适于游泳的足蹼。Any of several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae, resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable them to swim.

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乌头属的众多通常是有毒的植物中的任何一种,具有块根,掌状分裂的叶子和蓝色或白色的花。Any of various usually poisonous plants of the genus aconitum having tuberous roots and palmately lobed leaves and blue or white flowers.

功能活跃的、核分2~3叶的中性粒细胞胞质为淡蓝色或淡蓝绿色荧光,核为桔黄色荧光。Cytoplasm of functionally active neutrophils with 2 ̄3 lobed nuclei is bluish or bluish green in color of fluorescence, nuclei orange yellow.

任一种原产于北美洲和欧洲的白骨顶属深灰色水鸟,头颈均为黑色,足有瓣蹼,喙呈白色。Any of several dark-gray aquatic birds of the genus Fulica of North America and Europe, having a black head and neck, lobed toes, and a white bill.

以往用牛头刨床加工罗茨泵的转子外表面比较麻烦,数控改造的牛头刨床可以提高生产效率,节约成本。Machining the rotor of lobed pump is difficult on the shaper. The numerical control reform of shaper can improves productive efficiency, cost saves.

对双层壁扩压器与波瓣喷管组合的三股气流的引射混合进行了流场温度场的数值计算。The flow and the temperature in the three-stream mixing flow of the lobed nozzle mixer-ejector with double-wall diffuser are numerically investigated.

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另外,简单的增大波瓣喷管的尺寸并不能够有效提高引射流量,反而会使引射系数有所降低。In addition, simply enlarging the lobed nozzle is not propitious to the enhancing of the entrained flux, while it will reduce the injection coefficient.

波瓣切口错列的二元波瓣喷管的引射性能和强化混合性能最好,但其压力损失系数也最大。The 2 d scalloped staggered lobed nozzle has the best pumping and mixing enhancement performance, but it also has the biggest pressure loss coefficient.

通过三维CFD数值计算,研究了波瓣喷管几何结构参数对波瓣喷管引射-混合器的影响规律。Based on three dimensional CFD of the lobed mixer-ejector, the effects of lobe nozzle geometric parameters on the lobed mixer-ejector performance were revealed.