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日本自古以来就是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分!Japan is China sacred territory indivisibility of a part!

所以其特点与贸易自由化不可分割。So its characteristics and the trade liberalism indivisibility.

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它具有基础性、公共性、不可分性等特点。It has the characteristic of foundational, public, indivisibility and so on.

在雅尔塔欠下的债和不可分割的自由欧洲要求它不可能后退。The debt incurred at Yalta and the indivisibility of a free Europe demanded no less.

从有利于债权人的立场出发,可以承认抵押权的不可分性,但应当设有例外。From the creditors stand, agree the indivisibility of mortgage, but should set a exception.

这与西方现代社会所具备的哲学土壤和社会根源不可分割。It is indivisibility with the philosophy background and the social source of WEST modern society.

美国的命运和人类的未来与我们的信念不可分割。The destiny of the United States and the future of the mankind with our conviction indivisibility.

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鉴于不可分割的神圣精神,又如何比是属性关系到神吗?In view of the indivisibility of the divine Spirit, how than are the attributes related to the divine being?

所有这些可以被防止的痛苦的根源就在于纯粹觉知和其所觉的食物的明显的不可分割性。The preventible cause of all this suffering is the apparent indivisibility of pure awareness and what it regards.

"第四媒体"与网络政治之间具有相互依赖、不可分割的天然联系。There has the natural connection of mutual dependence and indivisibility between'the fourth media' and network media.

始皇帝'展览都是与国家的控制有关,这个国家对于自身不可分割的意识极强。The First Emperor exhibition is all about the control of the state, and that state's very sharp sense of its own indivisibility.

由于语言和文化的不可分割性,所以文化教学应该被融于语言教学中。Because of the indivisibility of language and culture, culture teaching should be integrated with language teaching in English teaching.

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克林顿补充说,北约-俄罗斯理事会也是能够促进“包括我们密不可分的共同安全”等共同利益的论坛。Clinton added that the NATO-Russia Council is also the place where common interests can be advanced, “including the indivisibility of our common security.”

但他们也深知,在人类安全这一想法广为人知之前很久,安全、经济发展和人类自由已不可分割。But they also understood well, long before the idea of human security gained currency, the indivisibility of security, economic development and human freedom.

正是在俄罗斯最困难时期,日本政治家和专家竭力推行“政治和经济不可分割”原则。It is the most difficult times in Russia, Japanese politicians and experts trying to implementation of the "indivisibility of political and economic" principle.

本文共分为四部分,论述了研究的必要性,通过典型举例的方法叙述了理论教学的可行性以及与历史教学三大任务的不可分性。This thesis is divided into four parts. The thesis relates necessity of study, feasibility of theory teaching, indivisibility of theory teaching and history teaching three tasks.

由于服务商品生产与消费的不可分性和无形性,使得消费者在选择服务商品时面临着巨大的风险和挑战。Because the service commodity production and the expense indivisibility and invisible, causes the consumer in the choice service commodity time is facing the huge risk and the challenge.

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研究表明,一个企业的核心竞争力培育是同其人力资源开发、培训体系选择有不可分割内在关系。Study the enunciation, the core competencies of a business enterprise grow is to have the indivisibility the inside relation with its human resource development, the training system choice.

房地产业的资金运动特点和金融业对经济增长的带动功能,促使了房地产业与金融业的融合,显现出金融市场与房地产市场不可分割的特性。Funds characteristics, in financial industry and real estate industry, bring not only the increasing economy, but also cause the combination of the two industries, which show their indivisibility.