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一分钱没花。Not a penny.

拿一个银钱来给我看。Shew me a penny.

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一便士的就蛮够啦。Penny quite enough.

你有散钱吗?。Have you got a penny?

它一文钱不值。It won' t cost penny.

彭妮喜欢吃西红柿吗?Does Penny like tomatoes?

烂钱老是会再回笼。Abad penny always turns up.

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她真是个守财奴。She's such a penny pincher.

船医不难找,一便士能雇十个。Sea-surgeons are ten a penny.

她已到了贫困潦倒的地步。She was left without a penny.

省一分,就是赚一分。A penny saved is a penny earned.

不要把你赚的每一分钱都花掉。Don't spend every penny you get.

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他扔给乞丐一便士。He tossed a penny to the beggar.

他一生中没有赚过一分钱。He felt in his pocket for a penny.

钉子和硬币绝对不能互相接触。The nail and penny must not touch.

他们把我们勒索得身无分文。They extorted every penny from us.

什么一竹篙说,向其他?What did one penny say to the other?

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给你一分钱,告诉我你在想什么?"A penny for your thoughts," I said.

彭尼有一只名叫‘约翰尼’的宠物狗。Penny has a pet dog named ' Johnny '.

为什么把乔治叫吝啬鬼?Why is George called a penny pincher?