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我愿精神把不同肤色民族感召。I wish spirit impel the different colors of skin.

推动妇幼用品事业的发展。Impel the women and children thing enterprise the development.

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而这一切只能作为我们的动力去推动我们前进。But all these can only take our power to impel us to go forward.

此外,我们的大脑不单单会让我们沉溺于罪恶,也会引导我们追寻美德。Moreover, our brains impel us not only toward vices, but also toward virtues.

这些科技的进步提供了好处,从而促使组织的变革。These advancements in technology purvey benefits and impel organizations to change.

也许在他们向抗议者开枪的时候,这会迫使他们犹豫一下。Perhaps this might impel them to have second thoughts about firing on the demonstrators.

重振民主主义精神有助于推动当代艺术设计的发展。Reinvigorating democratic spirit is helpful to impel the development of contemporary design.

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但是在各种利益的驱使下,我国的器官移植出现严重偏差。But on impel of various benefits, organ transplantation in our country appears seriously deviated.

然后鞋,09年秋天的最新型号的首饰,将推动开幕酒会的最高水平。Then shoes, 09 autumn the newest model of jewelry, will impel the vernissage of the highest level.

而对于人们来说,遛鸟同样也是一种健康活动。As for people, it is also a very healthy sport, which can impel them to get up early and take exercise.

出土简牍文献促使我们对以往中国數学史的研究方法进行反思。Thirdly, the unearthed strips impel us to rethink the methods of study on history of mathematics in China.

在革命力量的感召下,赵关克走上了正确的道路,奔赴南昌参加起义。Below the impel of revolutionary force, zhao Guanke was on right way, hurry off to Nanchang to join revolt.

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在不可预期的将来,一份含糊不清的高税收负债的威胁,为什么这些就得促使他们存更多的钱呢?Why would a vague threat of higher tax liabilities at some unspecified future date impel them to save more?

这些措施可以推进河南下一阶段强县扩权改革顺利进行,进而推动河南县域经济快速发展。The counterparts are helpful to progress of the reform, and impel the development of counties economic rapidly.

美元汇率的下降将推动以美元计价的石油等商品价格上涨。US dollar exchange rate's drop will impel by US dollar the valuation commodity price rises and so on petroleum.

生产方式的变革,产生不同的法权关系,并推动法权模式演进。Change of production style creates different legal-right relations, which impel the shift of the legal-right mode.

目的旨在推动非热杀菌技术在中药制剂工业中的应用。OBJECTIVE To impel the application of non-thermal sterilization techniques in Chinese medicine preparation industry.

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物流业是现代经济发展中的一个重要产业部门,对一个国家和地区的经济发展起到了巨大的推动作用。As an important industry department, the logistics can impel the economic development in a country or region strongly.

地方政府具备兼顾落实中央政策和推动本地区经济发展的能力。Local governments are provided with the ability to fulfill the Central policies and impel the local economy development.

亲身参加现实斗争的实践才是推动马克思转向唯物主义的主要动因。The main reason to impel Marx to change to the materialism was his practice to attend the realistic struggle by himself.