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贝齐劳里是其中之一。Betsy Lowry is one of them.

有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。One day, Betsy has no milk.

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他不记得有个叫贝齐。He didn't remember a Betsy Wilson.

这是一个关于17岁的女孩贝斯蒂的故事。There is the story of 17-year-old Betsy.

你有两只猫?我知道贝奇是你女儿喂养的。A. You have two cats? I know your girl feeds Betsy.

那是贝茜·罗斯和第一面美国国旗。And there's Betsy Ross and the first American flag.

她尤其偏爱一个名叫贝齐的小女孩。She was especially fond of a little girl named Betsy.

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你收留汤姆真不错,贝奇也有个伴了。A. Good for you to take Tom and Betsy has her mate now.

根据传统,由贝琪·罗斯女士缝制第一面旗帜。According to tradition, Betsy Ross sewed the first flag.

标签上说这礼物来自于某个名叫贝齐·威尔逊的船员。The tag said the gift was from someone named Betsy Wilson.

有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。杰克和妈妈肚子饿坏了。One day, Betsy has no milk. Jack and his mother are hungry.

贝齐说,“没有一个坑比神的爱更深。Betsy replied, “There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper.

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甚至连缝制了第一面国旗的贝特西.罗斯也被第一个选举日抛弃。Even Betsy Ross who sewed the flag was left behind that first election day.

有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。杰克和妈妈肚子饿坏了。One day. Betsy has no milk. Jair conditionersk impressive mother are hungry.

根据传说,第一面美国国旗是贝慈。罗斯缝制的。According to the old tradition, the first American flag is made by Betsy Ross.

感谢凯希和贝希,是你们让我对学习英语逐渐建立起了信心。Thanks to Cathy and Betsy at WSC. You built my confidence on studying English.

我在想伊丽莎白可能知道一名美国人杀了一个人。I would think that Betsy would have had to have known that an American had killed a person.

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他与约翰霍普金斯大学的学生和在抗议时小组负责人布赖恩贝齐。He was with Johns Hopkins students and group leader Betsy Bryan at the time of the protests.

萨利是个甜美可爱的小女孩,家里的每个人都喜欢她,而贝茜是她最喜爱的玩偶。Sally is the perfectly sweet little girl every parent would love, and Betsy is her favorite doll.

科里.腾.布姆与贝齐.腾.布姆是基督徒,他们在第一次世界大战期间住在荷兰。Corrie ten Boom and Betsy ten Boom were Christians who lived in the Netherlands during World War II.