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他是一个圆滑的朝臣。He was an adroit courtier.

不要相信谄媚者对你说的话。Don't believe what a courtier tells you.

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王国贬黜了那位不忠的朝臣。The king disgraced the disloyal courtier.

朝臣都知道这事但是不敢进谏。Courtier salt knows, the Mogan remonstrance.

我还知道他善于在宫廷里献媚,同时又是一个大胆的阴谋家。I knew him as a courtier , too, and as a bold intriguant.

在朝臣服从国王的命令,在殷勤的方式进行。The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.

事后,一位朝臣先回去向路易十五报告。A courtier then went ahead of the others to report to the king.

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每现在和他们一位朝臣会在门站而且听。Every now and them a courtier would stand and listen at the door.

他和伶人讲话就像对着一个正直的朝臣讲话一样。He and actor people speak just as facing toward an honest courtier and speaking.

当时的英国宠臣沃尔特·雷利爵士曾两次到圭亚那寻找黄金国。English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado.

他听着朝臣争执声,吵吵闹闹,如一锅沸腾的粥。He listens to courtier quarrels a voice and argue noisily, like a boiler of gruel of ebullition.

次日早晨日出时,智慧的臣子已经在王宫寝宫恭候国王了。Next morning at sunrise the wise courtier was waiting for king at the door of palace bed chamber.

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两人都作出姿态的尊重,这并不奇怪的朝臣,但不寻常的一个国王。Both men make gestures of respect, which is not surprising for the courtier , but unusual for a king.

英国侍臣,曾是英格兰女王伊丽莎白一世的宠臣,而且从587年起一直担任女王军队的总司令。English courtier who was privy councilor to Elizabeth I and the captain general of her armies from 587.

李百药是唐初名巨,以才学和操行闻名于世。Li Baiyao, the well-known courtier at the early stage of Tang Dynasty, was famous for his talents and virtue.

王后与莲花设计要置正胤于死地,他们利用朝臣挑拨正胤与昭的关系。Queen and lotus flower design to kill is assumed, they use courtier provoke is assumed the relations with zhao.

克劳迪斯对哈姆雷特的“发疯”表示怀疑,多次授命朝臣刺探虚实。Crowdy Si "goes crazy" to Hamlet is sceptical, ordered many times the royal courtier pries the actual situation.

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总理大臣睁大眼睛,惊叫一声。这让他看起来比原来聪明四倍。"The moon?" The leader of the courtier screamed with his eyes wide open which made him looked four times smarter than he was.

她提醒他正计划的政治行动非常危险,并告诉他,总督波卡涅拉希望她嫁给他的追随者保罗。She warns him against the dangers of his political activities and tells him that the doge wants her to marry his courtier Paolo.

法国宫廷侍臣,路易十五有影响力的情妇,被革命法庭以反政府罪判处斩首。French courtier and influential mistress of Louis XV. She was guillotined for crimes against the state by a Revolutionary tribunal.