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美学只能带你走那么远。Aesthetics only gets you so far.

李则拒绝躲在唯美的笔调后面不去刺痛真正的社会脓包。Lee refuses to hide behind aesthetics.

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总之,“风骨”应是一种美学要求。On a whole, Fenggu is a must of aesthetics.

隐藏网格线只是为了美观。Hiding the grid lines is for aesthetics only.

阿多诺力图建立真正的自然美学。Adorno attempts to build real nature aesthetics.

研究冯契的美学思想是必要的。It is necessary to study his aesthetics thought.

这是那种隶属于政治的美学观。This is the aesthetics subordinated to politics.

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谷歌地球应该在美学上多下点功夫了。Google Earth should work a little on the aesthetics.

邱紫华先生是东方美学的拓荒者。Qiu Zihua is the pathbreaker of oriental aesthetics.

克服审美疲劳措施初探。Three, aesthetics weariness" demystification" study.

景观建筑属于城市美学的范畴。Landscape Architecture is part ofThe Urban Aesthetics.

诺珂尼品牌,一个精研现代美学的创造典范由此诞生!Noconi brand, the sample of modern aesthetics is born.

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然而,“暴力美学”究竟是美还是丑?But, is"violence aesthetics"a kind of esthetical or ugly?

文章从四个部分对葛洪美学思想进行了研究。The article study four-part on Ge Hong's aesthetics idea.

与此同时,我们可以发现一种美学的规则。At the same time a rule of aesthetics can be seen in this.

是风格化的、偏于表现派理想主义美学倾向。The movie is thus more of an expressionist idealism aesthetics.

周扬是车尔尼雪夫斯基美学在中国的接受者和推行者。Zhou Yang is the receiver of Chernychevsky aesthetics in China.

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中国古典文艺美学与“气”有着密切的关系。Chinese Classical Literary aesthetics has close relation with Qi.

而海报的美感以及可记忆性都统统交由字体和配色方案来处理了。Aesthetics and mnemonics are left mostly to font and color scheme.

美学稍纵即逝,唯一永恒的是思想。Aesthetics are fleeting, the only things with longevity are ideas.