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我喜欢西瓜。I love watermelon.

它是大西瓜。It's a watermelon.

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要一些西瓜汁吗?Some watermelon juice?

看,一个大西瓜。Look, a big watermelon.

你可以怎么吃西瓜呢?How do you eat watermelon?

我在吃西瓜。I am eating the watermelon.

又红又甜是西瓜。Is red and sweet watermelon.

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西瓜娄了。The watermelon has gotten bad.

这朵向日葵是用西瓜精雕细琢而成。A sunflower made of watermelon.

请问你要苹果汁还是西瓜汁?Apple juice or watermelon juice ?

我们把西瓜切一半。Let's cut the watermelon in half.

小孩感冒发烧能吃西瓜吗?Child fever can eat watermelon it?

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西瓜是怎样变得无籽的?How did a watermelon get seedless?

这西瓜汁喝起来怪怪的。The watermelon juice tastes funny.

我需要一把刀来切西瓜。I need a knife to cut the watermelon.

西瓜雕刻的玛丽莲梦露!Watermelon carving of Marilyn Monroe.

黑玉西瓜为小果型西瓜一代杂种。Heiyu is a small watermelon F1 hybrid.

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西瓜还要切成莲花状。Watermelon also cut into lotus-shaped.

本大爷我呢,怀里抱着个大西瓜。Myself, Randolph, carried a watermelon.

咕噜噜,咕噜噜地向前滚,一直把西瓜滚到家里。At last he got home with the watermelon.