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布兰克芬谈到自己时滔滔不绝,且言辞诙谐。Mr. Blankfein talks about himself humorously and well.

手枪Annies“歌曲”羚牛“丸”,幽默地说,这一切。The Pistol Annies' song "Takin' Pills" humorously says it all.

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有一些学生诙谐地议论他们老师的帽子。Some of the students commented humorously on their teacher's cap.

泰坦松开捏住奎托斯的手指,幽默地笑起来。Kratos is released from Atlas' grasp as the Titan laughs humorously.

主要通过轻松幽默的方式讨论现代女性关注的话题。It generally deals with the issues of modern women humorously and lightheartedly.

这幅漫画幽默地呈现了足球赛的一个场面,两个对手正在面对面较量。This cartoon humorously presents a scene of a football game with the two rivals facing each other.

我们已经尽了全力,然而当失败在所难免时,我们尽量做到败得优雅,或者至少败得幽默。We did try to do our best and when we did fail, we tried to do it gracefully or at least humorously.

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其中之一就是米兰的安切洛蒂,加利亚尼诙谐地回应了这个猜测。One of these has been Milan's Carlo Ancelotti, and Galliani has responded humorously to the speculation.

蔡志忠在保留原作品精髓的同时,还幽默地溶入了现代的成份。Cai is able to maintain the basics of the original while veering off course humorously into modern times.

每一节列车车厢都包含以地铁和火车为主题的滑稽人物形象。Based on the theme of subway and train motifs, each train carriage contained humorously themed characters.

这个由弦乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器组成的古典管弦乐队,以这种幽默的豪华场面表演了这首流行歌曲。A classical orchestra consisting of strings, woodwinds and percussion performs the pop score in a humorously lush manner.

格劳肯对他发起进攻时,他不无戏剧幽默性地受到了苏格拉底“既然未曾树敌,不如结盟交友”之类言辞的庇护。When attacked by Glaucon he is humorously protected by Socrates "as one who has never been his enemy and is now his friend."

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与惊人的丑闻相比,媒体对政策不那么感冒,在我演讲结束时,这一点表现了出来,显得颇为幽默。The media’s limited appetite for policy, compared with breaking scandal, became humorously apparent near the end of my speech.

是幽默用法,指因肥胖或负重走起路来一摇一摆像鸭子似的。Waddle is used humorously to describe someone swaying from side to side like a duck because of fatness or while carrying heavy bags.

我不能一味谈笑地同他说话,我怀着一种好奇心,很想探求他的底细,但是无法直截了当地提问,任何掉以轻心的话语都是他不会接受的。I should not talk with him blindly, cheerfully and humorously. I was so filled with curiosity and want to pursue his details further.

这个经典的警示故事用简易的会话型语气,幽默地警示小读者不良行为的危害。This quintessential cautionary tale, with its intimate, conversational tone, humorously warns young readers about the perils of misbehaving.

希罗多德认为,埃及境内的爱奥尼亚人可能出于幽默而记下了晒太阳的鳄鱼和他们本地的“石头中的蠕虫”之间的类似点。According to Herodotus, Ionians in Egypt noted the resemblance, probably humorously , between basking crocodiles and their own "worm of the stones."

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他幽默地说,这就是装修的好处,不仅能体验到运动的“乐趣”,还能免费减肥,一举几得嘛。He said humorously that this is the repair advantage, not can only experience the movement "the pleasure", but can also free lose weight, at one fell swoop several.

房间里摆满了从跳蚤市场和古董商店“淘”来的各式各样的家具。All 30 bedrooms are humorously themed, with names such as “Me Tarzan , You Vain” and “Best Whorehouse”, and filled with eclectic10 furnishings from flea markets and antique stores.

这一疯狂而讽刺的历史题材作品中充满可怖的铁器,幽默地描绘了欧洲几个时代的历史图景。电影使用同样的演员饰演不同时期相似的人物。This crazy, satirical epic full of horrifying iron humorously portrays several eras in European history. It proceeds with the same actors appearing in similar roles at different periods.