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这种治疗又称为“除颤”。This treatment is called defibrillation.

这要求尽快进行早期除颤。These call for defibrillation as soon as possible.

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然后,他随后与电除颤揉。Then he followed this rubbing with electrical defibrillation.

其中,除颤时机的把握是影响除颤效能的关键因素。The defibrillation opportunity is the critical one of all factors for defibrillation.

结合“共识”,确定电除颤在心肺复苏中所扮演的角色。The role that defibrillation played during CPR was defined according to the consensus.

去纤颤器的能量要求通常要高于患者的痛阈。Defibrillation energy requirements are typically higher than the patient's pain threshold.

尽早电除颤是抢救心源性猝死患者最有效的救命性措施。Electric defibrillation is the most effective measure for the rescue of sudden death patients.

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着重探讨并实现了一种新的除颤高压的产生和控制方法。A new creative method to generate and control high voltage for defibrillation was accomplished.

根据现代急救理念,电除颤必须与心肺复苏联合应用。On the grounds of modern emergency medicine, defibrillation has to be performed in combination with CPR.

观察了14只狗在急性心肌梗塞早期的心内膜电除颤阈值。Intraventricular defibrillation thresholds in the first hours of acute myocardial infarction in 14 dogs were studied.

但是,如果病人在早期除颤之前接受心脏按压,长期内存活下来的几率会稍有增加。But there was a small increase in long-term survival among those who received chest compressions before defibrillation.

实践证明,早期除颤可以明显提高心肺复苏的成功率。It is proved by practice, early defibrillation may elevate obviously the successful rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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该分析结果主张尽快采用心脏除颤术,心脏除颤器是一种使心脏恢复正常心律的装置。These call for defibrillation as soon as possible. A defibrillator is the device used to shock the heart back to normal rhythm.

目的研究除颤中双相波优于单相波的理论依据。Objective To explore the mechanism underlying the superiority of the biphasic waveform to monophasic waveform in defibrillation.

结论早期气管插管与心脏电击除颤随不同的病因而作出顺序选择复苏,能比常规复苏组成功率提高。Conclusion Trachea cannula in earlier period stage and electric shock defibrillation to cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation has higher achievement ratio.

根据心电图情况及时纠正心律紊乱,选用利多卡因、硫酸镁、氯化钾静滴及电除颤抢救。According to ECG case, random correct heart rhythm disorders, use lidocaine, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride infusion and electrical defibrillation rescue.

结论院前猝死是院前急救的主要急危重症之一,早期电击除颤是救治心源性猝死的重要措施。Conclusion Pre hospital sudden death is one of the main critical diseases that need Pre hospital care, early defibrillation is vital to victims of cardiac arrest.

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结论房颤患者通过TEE对左心耳血流频谱的检测,可预测除颤治疗的成功率。Conclusion The test of the LAA blood flow frequency spectrum in patients with NVAF by using TEE might predict the success rate following defibrillation treatment.

由此提出,彩色多普勒超声心动图检测阵发性心房纤颤患者发作间歇期左心功能,对指导急件发作期复律药物选择有较大意义。The result showed that it is clinically significant for choosing defibrillation drug to measure left ventricular function at interval of PAF attack with echocardiography.

观察两组心脏除颤率、开放主动脉后血钾、术后呼吸机辅助时间及心肌正性肌力药物使用情况。Defibrillation rate, serum potassium after the open of aortic artery and the supporting time of respiratory and positive inotropic agents were observed after aortic cross-clamp removal.