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论文研究了森林资产核算的基本理论问题。The paper researched on the basis theory of FAA.

单引擎飞机始建于1994年,根据美国联邦航空局记录。The single-engine plane was built in 1994, according to FAA records.

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我们依赖国会授权联邦航空局恢复我们的工作。We rely on Congress to authorize the FAA to do our job, " Henn said."

一流的超轻不需要美国联邦航空局认可的飞行员执照。The Ultralight class does not require an FAA recognised pilots license.

当你第一次向当局询问时,至少美国联邦航空局没有对你说出实情,对吗?。At least the FAA was not real honest with you when you first asked, right?

他补充道,该公司“不知道航空局所做的任何特殊检查”。He added that the company "isn't aware of any special inspections" by the FAA.

据联邦航空部要求,控制员一般情况下每周工作五个八小时的轮班。Controllers typically work five eight-hour shifts per week, according to the FAA.

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联邦航空部还要求每个轮班之间必须保证八小时休息。Controllers are required to have eight hours of rest between shifts, the FAA said.

NEXRAD数据也可以被美国联邦航空局用作对飞行雷达的覆盖,以提高飞机的安全。NEXRAD data is also used by the FAA as an overlay on flight radar to enhance aircraft safety.

这次交付经过了美国联邦航空局对发动机的几次修改认证。This delivery comes on the heels of FAA certification of several modifications to the engine.

美国联邦航空局官员帮助中国加强空管设计和检查程序。FAA officials helped the Chinese beef up air-traffic control designs and inspection procedures.

考试必须在24个月之内完成。通过考试FAA会发给你航空维修证照。You must pass all the tests within a 24-month period. The FAA will then issue you a certificate.

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然后,杨元元又与美国签署了一份协议,争取来自美国联邦航空局和企业界的援助。Yang negotiated a cooperation agreement with the U. S. to coordinate FAA and industry assistance.

现阶段,共计35.7万架私人飞机和商用飞机在联邦航空局登记。At this stage, a total of 357,000 private aircraft and commercial aircraft in the FAA registration.

该条款附加了一个今年的FAA长期拨款法案,但是谈判却陷入了僵局。The provision was added to a long-term FAA funding bill this year, but negotiations on that bill have stalled.

如果有人声称他们的无人机用于私人用途,可能会从理论上规避联邦航空局的许多条例。And if people claim their drones are for personal use, that could theoretically get around many FAA regulations.

联邦航空局将继续与航空团体合作,开发无管理的,早预防战略。The FAA continues to work with the aviation community to develop non-regulatory, pro-active mitigation strategies.

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联邦航空局发言人罗兰·赫韦格表示目前尚未有地面撞击或影响航空器飞行的报告。There were no reports of ground strikes or interference with aircraft in flight, FAA spokesman Roland Herwig said.

检查婴儿车上的商标以及与航空公司联系,确保你的物品符合美国联邦航空局的规定。Check the label on your carseat and also check with your airline to make sure that yours will meet FAA regulations.

民航处人员上月出席了美国联邦航空局在马来西亚吉隆坡举办的驾驶舱保安会议。Last month, cad officials attended a conference on cockpit security in kuala lumpur, malaysia organised by the faa.