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想捕获一头骆马并不容易。Catching one is not easy.

可能我感冒了。I think I'm catching the flu.

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在捉到微小的动物后。After catching the small animals.

赶上小修道院组员!Catching up with the Priory crew!

快!快!猫追上来了。Fast! Fast! The cat is catching up.

但现在,推特开始风行于别处。But now it is catching on elsewhere.

他们成功地抓到了那个贼。The succeeded in catching the thief.

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瞧!警方在抓贼呢。Look! The police are catching thieves.

跑快点!他们快追上咱们了。Run faster! They are catching up with us.

那个棒球员正在接球。The baseball player is catching the ball.

小时候我们喜欢玩捉蜻蜓的游戏。In childhood, we liked catching dragonfly.

里昂是李太太的毛,正在抓老鼠。Lion is Mrs Lee's cat, catching the mouse.

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为什么李女士的猫不在抓老鼠?Why isn't Mrs Li's cat catching the mouse?

鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以防上了钩的鱼逃走。A barbed metal hook used for catching fish.

别急,我马上就追上你。Do not worry, I'll be catching up with you.

老冉冉其将至兮。It seems old is slowly catching up with me.

当你落后的时候,总是会赶上来的。When you are behind, always be catching up.

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李妻子旳猫为什么不在抓这些老鼠呢?。Why isn't Mrs. Lee's cat catching the mice?

一举把“四人帮”捉拿归案。Catching the " Gang of Four " at one stroke.

不过,我相信这个概念是具有吸引力的。Still, I believe the concept is catching on.