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更多和更多的既有地下构筑物开始老化了。More and more existing underground structures are starting to age.

土的这些运动可能导致邻近构筑物和管线的损坏。These movements can lead to damages of nearby structures and utilities.

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所有建筑物和构筑物必须有防雷保护。Lightning protection must be provided on all tall structures or buildings.

更多的地下构筑物建造在建筑物密集的地区。More and more underground structures are built in the densely built areas.

主要任务是工艺流程选择及构筑物设计和计算。Main task is to select and process design and calculation of the structures.

那女正正在构筑的构筑物的下度是旧构筑物的五倍。The building being built over there is five times the height of the old one.

主要预处理构筑物一般采用格栅、沉砂池、沉淀池等。The main structures usually considered are screens, grit tanks and settling basin.

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本法所称房屋,是指土地上的房屋等建筑物及构筑物。"Houses" as used in this Law means buildings and structures such as houses on the land.

也可用于搭设施工棚、料棚、灯塔等构筑物。Also be used to build facilities in the shed, feed shed, lighthouse and other structures.

虽然努力确定建筑物或构筑物这种规模没有取得任何结果。Though efforts to identify a building or structure of this size have not yielded any results.

为大体积构筑物的快速拆除提供了一种行之有效的爆破方法。An effective blasting way had been provided for quick demolition of large-volume constructions.

八是建筑物和构筑物的玻璃制招牌。九是观光电梯及其电梯井。Eight buildings and structures is the glass signboards . 9 sightseeing lifts and lift wells is.

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冻蚀即寒冻风化作用,是寒冷地区水工混凝土构筑物主要冻害之一。Frost weathering is one of major frost damage for hydraulic concrete structures in cold regions.

避开高大建筑物或构筑物避开危险物、高耸、悬挂物或其它危险物品。Avoid tall buildings or structures to avoid hazards, tall, Xuangua Wu or other dangerous substances.

沉井是修建泵房和大口井等构筑物的特殊施工方法。Open caisson is a special construction measure used in pump room and big diameter well constructing.

各国的规范对混凝土构筑物的裂缝都有不同的控制范围和要求。The standard of each nation have different control range and request in crevice of concrete building.

公路路基是土体构筑物,含天然土地基和人工填土路堤两大部分。Highway subgrade is soil body structure including natural earth foundation and artificial fill embankment.

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用于分析在海湾和港口地区海浪的形成和传播,以及对船和构筑物的影响。Wave generation and propagation in coastal regions and harbours , and interaction with ships and structures.

迄今,近岸水域建构筑物的局部冲刷深度的估算均假定局部冲刷前后为平床,没有考虑常见、广布的近岸沙波底形。In the light of the local scouring that will be caused by floating construction of the cofferdam for Pier No.

山区城市实施分区供水时需设加压泵站及调节构筑物。The booster pump station and regulating reservoir need to be set in urban water network in mountainous areas.