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宫颈狭窄。Cervical stenosis.

他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。A narrow way or alley.

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不要这样心胸狭窄。Don't be so narrow-minded.

狭窄小床留与我。A narrow bed for me to lie.

他是个心胸十分狭窄的人。He is a small-minded person.

大部分思想都是狭窄的。Most of the ideas are narrow.

肯定都是些心胸狭窄的人。Small minded people to be sure.

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我们穿过一条狭窄的通道。We threaded along a narrow pass.

他们爬上了一条狭窄的山沟。They clambered up a narrow gully.

主动脉瓣狭窄是一个讨厌的疾病。Aortic stenosis is a nasty disease.

这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。The trail ducks into a narrow gulch.

这条狭窄的小径曲曲折折地向峭壁伸延。The narrow path zigzags up the cliff.

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他是一个胸襟狭窄的小人。He is a little man with a little mind.

他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。He scraped through the narrow opening.

他被关进一个狭窄的地下室里。He was chambered in a narrow basement.

道路狭窄,满是稀泥。Theroad was narrow and slick with mud.

陡峭,狭窄的山脊或横岭。A sharp, narrow mountain ridge or spur.

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连港口都狭窄到没有停船的地方。The only harbor has no place for boats.

我们穿过狭窄的通道。We threaded through the narrow passage.

最初我非常上午并且心胸狭窄。Originally I very am also mean-spirited.