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还有那满山遍野的大豆高粱。Soya beans and sorghum cover the hills and plains.

还有那满山遍野的大豆高粱。There are soybeans and sorghum all over the mountain.

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千呼万唤天上来,满山遍野槐花开。Numerous calls from the sky, the hillsides Huaihua open.

你看,满山遍野都是金色的,像是铺了一层金色的地毯。You see, the starts are golden, like a layer of golden carpet.

春雨过后,满山遍野都开着五颜六色的花朵。After spring rain, colorful flowers bloomed all over the mountain. ?

视野所及的地方是满山遍野的锡兰茶树。The plantations of Ceylon tea occupy vast spaces as far as the eye beholds.

我们来到一处山岩,看见美丽、芳香的金银花满山遍野。We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields.

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春雨过后,满山遍野都开着五颜六色的花朵。After the spring rain, flowers were blooming all over the hills in all colours.

我的家在东北松花江上啊,那里有满山遍野大豆高粱。My family in the Northeast Songhua River, there has all over the soybean sorghum.

这里满山遍野都是郁郁葱葱的苍松翠柏和引人入胜的奇花异草。Fill the fields here are the green and luxuriant pines and Calocedrus attractive plants.

满山遍野的百里香、橄榄树丛和薰衣草田都映衬着古老的村庄。Hills are covered with thyme, olive groves and lavender fields. They set off those old villages.

很快满山遍野挑着筐、夹着编织袋、挽着竹篮来来往往都是买鸡的人。Soon all over the mountains and plains carried the basket, with bags, baskets and arm are often buy chicken man.

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我的家在东北松花江上,那里有森林煤矿,还有那满山遍野的大豆高粱。My family in the Northeast Songhua River, there has the forest coal mine, but also has that soybean sorghum all over.

马昕蓝多年后回到南京梅花山,那里满山遍野的梅花每年依然绽放。MaXin blue for many years before he returned to nanjing meihuashan, where the mountains every year the plum blossom bloom still.

满山遍野的野生大丽花,阳光明媚,夜晚你可以坐在篝火前小酌白兰地。The hills are covered with wild dahlias , the sun is delicious, and at night you can sit in front of a log fire and drink a little brandy.

满山遍野的野生大丽花,阳光明媚,夜晚你可以坐在篝火前小酌白兰地。The hills are covered with wild dahlias2, the sun is delicious, and at night you can sit in front of a log fire and drink a little brandy.

荒谬的经济学理论无时无刻不倾斜下来,像洪水一样满山遍野,接着就是大量恐怖的政策,把我们一步步的推向经济萧条的深渊。It's raining, pouring, economic fallacies by the hour, followed by a flood of horrible policy that is driving us ever further into economic depression.

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我仿佛置身于人间仙境,碧蓝清澈的湖水触手可及,穿透云层的大山高高耸立,满山遍野的松树好像是保卫大山的士兵。I as if place oneself in fairyland, blue clear lakes within reach, through the clouds towering mountains, starts from the pine tree seems to be a soldier to defend the mountains.

这里曾是美丽的人间仙境,宙斯最动人的情妇就在此掩藏,也许那满山遍野的无花果树就是当年他们爱情的果实。Here was a beautiful fairyland on earth, the Zeus of the most moving in on his mistress to hide this, it may fill the fields of fig trees is that they love the fruits of that year.

近景橘色的房屋与远景的白色教堂形成有趣的对比,并和满山遍野的枫红相呼应。The orange cottage in the foreground makes an interesting contrast to the white church afar, which corresponds well with the red maple leaves that cover up the whole mountain scene.