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这些肉。The meat.

这些标签!The tags!

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所有这些都是质数。All primes.

因此这些就是666。And so is 666.

我接受这些了。I accept that.

这些委托人又是谁Who are these?

填好这些个。Fill these out.

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享受这些音乐吧!Enjoy the music!

是这些伤疤么?Is it the scars?

这些话我都听腻了,所以,别来烦我了。So don't bother.

这些是桌子。These are desks.

他们是天鹅,他并不知道这些鸟是什么鸟。They were swans.

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解压这些文件。Unzip the files.

我知道这些迹象。I knew the signs.

这些只是宣传。It is propaganda.

在这些国家里,继承问题都是家务事。All in the Family.

你想要这些吗?Do you want these?

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我喜欢这些东西!I love that stuff!

我爱这些小伙子们。I love those guys.

这些是易碎品。These are fragile.