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你在威胁我吗?走,树懒!Are you threatening me?- Move, sloth!

树懒的智商,女妖的行为。不带脏话。IQ of sloth, and the manner of banshees.

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慢慢的、慢慢的、慢慢的、这只树懒睡着了…Slowly, slowly, slowly, the sloth fell asleep.

三趾树懒每天要睡9.6小时。The three-toed sloth sleeps 9.6 hours nightly.

这上面怎么没画树懒?你们注意到吗?。You never see any sloths. Have you ever noticed?

你在干嘛?我让树懒…名垂千古。What are you doing?- I'm putting sloths on the map.

犰狳和树懒化石让他获得了灵感。He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths.

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树懒是一种生活在中南美洲的中等体型哺乳动物。Sloths are medium-sized mammals that live in Central and South America.

就像这样树懒基本只吃树叶因为树叶大都不会逃跑。As it is, the sloth mainly eats leaves because they tend not to run away.

第一个发现是巨型树懒的肱骨,或上臂骨。The first find was a humerus, or upper arm bone, of a giant ground sloth.

树懒厚而紧实的皮肤让它们在雨季的时候保持干燥。The thick, dense coats of a sloth help keep them dry during the rainy season.

然后他们发现同样的病毒也潜伏在三趾树懒基因组里。They then found the same virus lurking in the genome of the three-toed sloth.

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好吧,如果你们俩有谁过得了前面这个坑,树懒就归你们。OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth.

一只树懒可以在一棵树上过完其成年生活,它移动得非常慢,以至于身上都长苔藓了。A sloth can spend its adult life in a single tree, moving so slowly that moss grows on it.

地懒是已经灭绝的树懒的一个子类,属哺乳纲贫齿目。Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra.

树懒及其亲缘大约在一亿年前与其它的胎盘哺乳动物分道扬镳。Sloths and their relatives branched off from all other placental mammals about 100 million years ago.

有些树懒看起来是绿色的因为它们的毛上长有藻类植物这给它们提供了伪装保护。Some sloths appear green because they have algae growing on their fur which provides them with camouflage.

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太恐怖和庞大的动物我总觉得不那么友好,就只选树懒留了合影。Animals which were too big or too scary made me feel uncomfortable. So I chose to take a photo with a sloth.

Katzourakis博士及其同事发现在两趾树懒DNA中有大量的泡沫病毒拷贝。Dr. Katzourakis and his colleagues discovered hundreds of foamy virus copies in the DNA of the two-toed sloth.

猛犸象,乳齿象,巨型陆地树懒,羊角犀牛,洞熊和大型飞鸟突然间灭绝了。Mammoths, mastodons, massive ground sloths, rhinoceros, cave bears and largeflightlessbirds suddenly became extinct.