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直到耶稣的荣美在我彰显。Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

战争更严酷地彰显了这一现实。In war, this reality becomes even starker.

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你将你的荣耀彰显于天。You have set your glory above the heavens.

彰显有度,于无声之中展现华贵之气。Aiming to manifest, show showily gas in silence.

为你并没有马上彰显感到开心吧!Be glad that you don't have instant manifestation.

确认我们是彼此需要的。我们渴望神同在的荣耀与彰显。We long for the Glory, the Shekinah of His Presence.

祂为什么愿意借着诗篇39向我们彰显祂的邀请呢?Why would He even put it in Psalm 39 as an invitation?

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至此,他忍不住恳求耶和华彰显祂的慈爱。He interceded and pled for the Lord's mercy to be shown.

这位独一真神向多少人彰显他自己?How many persons does the one true God reveal himself as?

爱的力量和影响体现在真我的彰显。所以,去爱吧!The power and effect of love is self-obvious. Just try it!

富丽堂皇的酒店大堂,彰显星级酒店的豪华气派。Sumptuous hotel lobbies, highlight-star hotel luxury style.

这些非线性特征在信贷紧缩中被明白无误的彰显了出来。These non-linearities were clearly on show in the credit crunch.

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这一金科玉律在当前超级联通的世界里更加彰显其价值。The golden rule is even more golden in our hyper-connected world.

但愿祢的福音陶造出一个尊祢为主的社会文化,彰显祢的名。May the truth of the gospel give shape to a culture that honors you.

这些贵族无须通过花哨的物品彰显自己的财富。These patricians don't need gaudy symbols to advertise their wealth.

这是主的神圣属性彰显在祂的人性美德里。This is the Lord's divine attributes expressed in His human virtues.

就座后,铜质的餐具彰显着宫殿般的富丽堂皇。Seated, the bronze table setting gives you a sense of palace grandeur.

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但他为了自己的名,仍然救了他们。这是为了彰显他自己的神威大能。Yet he saved them for his name's sake, to make his mighty power known.

王元化读黑格尔的著作更是鲜明彰显了“思辨之美”的独特魅力。The charm of it is evidently embodied in Wang Yuanhua's reading of Hegel.

“浑然与物同体”的境界充分彰显了程颢哲学的精神。Cheng Hao' ideal realm embodied the spirit of the philosophy of Cheng Hao.