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之后Friendster采取的一些列错误的决策没有帮助公司扭转颓势。A series of bad business decisions didn't help.

欢迎提出能够阻止这种颓势的意见。Any idea that might stop this slide is welcome.

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我认为投资人对欧元颓势越来越不耐烦.所有人都在谈论欧元,这是欧元势将修正的明确迹象.I think people are getting bored with euro weakness.

晚会结束前,他振作起精神企图挽回颓势。At the close of the evening he rallied for a final effort.

开密室会议及派菜鸟投手上场也没有扭转颓势。Neither have closed-door meetings or trying out rookie hurlers.

这个德国人需要在银石取得一个好成绩来扭转这个赛季的颓势。The German needs a good result at Silverstone to turn his season around.

七六人队在第四局力挽颓势,试图要打破湖人队领先19分的优势。The Sixers mounted a fourth-quarter rally , cutting into a 19-point lead.

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谷歌力挽搜索颓势难舍在华市场欲杀回马枪?Google Search decline regret and regain market Yusha Parthian shot in China?

举个例子,一家企业需要扭转颓势,完成“大逆转”,那么保存足够的现金就是头等大事。For example, often in a turnaround situation, conserving cash is a key priority.

亚洲盘初交易时段,金融股尾随美股和欧股颓势。In early Asian trading, financial stocks tracked weakness in the U. S. and Europe.

此外,他还指出,尽管大型IT公司扭转颓势并非不可能,但那是个缓慢而痛苦的过程。Furthermore, he notes, when big-tech turnarounds do work, they are slow and painful.

大烟草公司在世界一些地区处于颓势,而在其它一些地区却在大踏步前进。If Big Tobacco is in retreat in some parts of the world, it is on the march in others.

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能有机会扭转颓势,让我很兴奋,不过坦率地说,我担心自己是否真能做到。I'm excited about the opportunity to turn things around, but frankly I wonder if I can.

切尔西方面则尽是利好消息,他们已经止住了前几年的颓势,并且还拥有了一位坐稳帅位的教练。In terms of the title Chelsea have stopped going backwards and have a steady manager again.

但聆听了他在丹佛的演讲后,我对他能够扭转美国的颓势有信心得多了。After hearing him from Denver, though, I feel more confident that he'll turn this country around.

其次,由于当前的经济颓势使得商业领域不愿投资于新的工厂和设备。Second, businesses are reluctant to invest in new plant and equipment due to the weakening economy.

老特拉福德之败或许有些冤,但看看总比分,枪手的颓势便一目了然,毫无争议。The Old Trafford defeat may have been undeserved, but there is no quibbling with the aggregate score.

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最近我读到一篇文章说,在成功扭转颓势之前,高管们不应认为完成了自己的工作。I read recently that executives should not consider their work done until they have tackled a turnround.

不过,今年春夏,出现了一些颇具潜力的日剧,或许能够扭转颓势。But this spring and summer, it looks like a few Japanese dramas have the potential to turn things around.

对食盐的疯抢同样拉高了食盐类股票的上涨,从而在各大股票市场一扫过去的颓势。The panic buying sent shares of salt producers higher Thursday, bucking the weakness in the broader market.