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她管理日用品部门。She supervised the Commodity Department.

日用品、食品、工业用品等。Commodity , Foodstuff , Industry Supplies Etc.

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附近的合作社经售日用品。The co-op close by deals in articles of daily use.

盐是很重要的日用品,因为它们可以保存生肉Salt was a big commodity, obviously, for storing meat.

高质量羽绒被和床上日用品的生产商。Manufacturers of fine quality down duvets and bed linens.

许多人排长队加油、购买日用品。Many people waited in long lines to buy gas and groceries.

我想,它们是几乎不为人知也不为人理解的日用品。They're a little-known commodity, I think, and little-understood.

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日用品行业的前景更加不明确了,资产净值也是如此。The outlook is bouncier in commodities and for the moment equities.

政府对非日用品作出了严格的限产规定。The government sets strict production limits for non-consumer goods.

所有带小部件的玩具和日用品都要收到孩子拿不到的地方。Keep toys and household items with small parts out of reach of children.

血液和血液衍生品被认为是日用品或军需品。Blood and blood derivatives are considered a supply commodity or munition.

塑料包塑管可以广泛用于日用品和家居设施等。Our coated steel tubes can be widely used for home products and furniture.

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本公司是中国最主要的家庭塑料日用品生产商之一。This company is one of the earliest producers of household plastics in China.

每天正鄙人峰期,摆天摊的人正在街上卖日用品战食品。Every day during rush hours, stalls sell everyday goods and food on the street.

我曾经在中国东部输出品日用品展览会担任一个暂时的翻译员了。I once worked as a temporary interpreter at the East China Export Commodities Fair.

该社区还给客人提供床上用品和其他一次性日用品。In order to provide guests a cozy atmosphere, the hostess has redecorated her home.

少数几家大公司对这种不可或缺的日用品的生产给予箝制。A few large firms have a stranglehold on the production of this essential commodity.

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哦,我也是,我已经好几个星期没去了,我需要去买点日用品,你呢?Oh. Me too. I haven’t been there for weeks. I need to buy some necessities, and you?

玫瑰是一种香原料植物,其鲜花提取的精油应用于高档化妆品及日用品的调香。The oil of aroma rose flower is widely used in cosmetic and daily products perfuming.

水嫩皮肤,清新你的日用品,或让淡淡的轻香漂在空气里,想怎么用就怎么用。Hydrate your skin, freshen your linens, or lightly scent the air—the uses are endless.