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我们介绍过这个▽算子。Remember we introduced the dell operator.

套用运算子到产生的数字。The operator is applied to the resulting number.

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单程波算子在深度域的积分称为单程波算子积分解。Integral of one way wave operator in depth domain.

破开算子法是一种数值计算方法。The operator-splitting method is a numerical method.

算子理论,算子代数及其应用。Operator theory, operator algebras, and applications.

本文研究了算子代数的K-理论。The article discuss the K-theory of operator algebras.

如何使用数学算子在WMI查询的结果吗?How to use mathematical operators on WMI query results?

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每一压缩算子能被扩张成一个部分等距算子。Every contraction can be extended to a partial isometry.

从一组可多载的运算子中选取运算子。Select an operator from the set of overloadable operators.

如果使用者并未明确预期有这类转换,请勿提供转换运算子。Do not define conversion operators outside of a type's domain.

运算子是按被评估的顺序列出。The operators are listed in the order that they are evaluated.

藉由在它上面再按一次,你可以反向选择数字或运算子。You can deselect a number or operator by clicking on it again.

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广义软算子是OWA算子的推广。General soft operators are the generalization of OWA operators.

元微分算子代数的导子李代数结构。Lie algebras of derivations of n-differential operator algebra.

针对这一现象,主要探讨了算子反假频问题。Aiming at this phenomenon, operator anti-aliasing was discussed.

本文在理论上研究积分马尔柯夫算子获得一些结果。The paper presents some results of the Integral Markov operator.

这些算子将订单流分割为两个单独的流。These operators split the order stream into two separate streams.

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语气词“呢”在疑问句中是疑问算子吗?。Is the Chinese Particle " Ne " a Question Operator in Wh-questions?

随机环境中的随机游动与M.C。的算子理论。Random Walk in Random Environments and the Operator Theory of M. C.

特别的,我们得到了分数次积分算子的有界性。As special cases, we obtain the boundedness of fractional operators.