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那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。Those who abandon themselves will not success.

追忆过去,我意识到那只不过是自暴自弃罢了。Looking back, I realize it was nothing but self-sabotage.

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她变得如此自暴自弃,使我们担心她的神智。DESPERATE】She became so desperate that we feared for her sanity.

这就是“新一年决策综合症”,是自暴自弃的败笔。That is the syndrome. It is self- defeating and self-sabotaging.

但一个人自暴自弃的过程,总是从小的事情开始。But the process of surrendering oneself begins with small matters.

一个人不可以自暴自弃,如果立定志向,努力进取,一定可以成为圣人贤人。Work hard and become worthy Sages . We all can harvest these fruits !

从此阿信整日酗酒,自暴自弃。From now on days of A letter is whole excessive drinking, abandonment.

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有大量的证据表明自暴自弃和绝望的情绪在哺乳类动物中是存在的。Resignation and despair are well documented in other mammalian species.

一个人不可以自暴自弃,如果立定志向,努力进取,一定可以成为圣人贤人。Don't Work hard and become worthy Sages . We all can harvest these fruits !

有几个是愚笨的寄生虫,但是大多数是有才能却不得志而自暴自弃的人。A few are dim-witted drones, but most are talented, frustrated, wasted people.

对红利隆重的报道引起某些人的嫉妒并使许多人自暴自弃。The ritual reporting of bonuses provokes envy in some, and self-loathing in many.

犯人是名女性,好像因为不受欢迎,而变得自暴自弃。Prisoners are women, it seems as persona non grata, give up on themselves to become.

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但是如果你向上攀比一些不可改变的事情,那么你将自暴自弃,原地踏步。If you compare upward about things you can’t change, then you seem to just feel stuck.

阿让的自由,更是把他灵魂从黑暗的思想和自暴自弃里救了出来。Agen freedom his soul from the dark thoughts and give up on themselves in saved by the.

她甚至鼓励我从自己自暴自弃毁掉的生活中从新站起来。She even encouraged me to stand up from all the faults and wrongs i did to my ruined life.

程超群一个人在自己的房子喝了很多酒,最近程超群有些自暴自弃。Cheng superior one in the house of his own drink a lot, cheng super recently some bad attitude.

当你感到受挫的时候,你会不会失去信心,自暴自弃而误入歧途呢?Will you lose self-confidence, give yourself up as hopeless and go astray when you feel defeated?

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一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生。When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism.

一家上下强颜欢笑,勉强逗笑冠雄,但冠雄自暴自弃,不听劝言。A smile from top to bottom, barely amused crown male, but the crown male abandon, dont listen to your advice.

如果你们不这样做,如果你们辍学,你们不仅仅是自暴自弃,也是抛弃自己的国家。If you don’t do that -- if you quit on school -- you’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country.