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因为里外不处于同样的压强下。Because these aren't at the same pressure.

花蜜的香味将他们从几英里外的栖息地吸引了过来。The scent of nectar drew them from a colony miles away.

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昨天,我一路搭乘便车去离伦敦几英里外的一个小镇。Yesterday, I hitchhiked my way to a small village several miles away from London.

阿加真的上火了,这回可不轻,只得奔远在三十多里外的家里的老娘。A really angry, it can not light, had to run in more than 30 miles home to mother.

要在方舟的里外抹上松香,这样方舟就能防水。It was to be pitched inside and out with tar, which would make the ark waterproof.

附近有几座飞行山在几英里外的云间浮动。A few of the nearer flying mountains are visible a few miles off, among the clouds.

加勒南部几英里外的这个新月型海滩也许是离加勒最远一个。Unawatuna, a crescent-shaped beach a few miles south of Galle, may be furthest along.

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事实上,叛军在距离苏特尔几英里外的艾季达比耶镇就停止前进了。In fact, rebels have been stopped just beyond the town of Ajdabiya many miles from Sirte.

检查内置的海绵滤芯的里外两面以及过滤器中的纸滤芯。Check the inner and outer sides of the foam insert and the filter paper inside the tilter.

数英里外的一只大象可以通过四个脚掌的感受细胞感知这种大地的振动。An elephant miles away can detect those seismic signals with sensory cells in all four feet.

所以,我请了两个男孩帮忙,用他们自行车上的行李架将商品送到我半里外的家。So I asked two boys with carriers on their bicycles to run them the half-mile down to our house.

施罗德表示,救援队找到活着的海龟后,会将它里外的油污洗净再放归大海。Turtles found alive, said Schroeder, are washed inside and out before being released back to sea.

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香槟将烤袋里的火鸡里外浇透。For the turkey. The Champagne is poured over the inside and outside of the bird in a roasting bag.

内搭一件刺绣欧根纱T恤,粉嫩的色彩与外套的紫粉色刚好里外呼应。Matching a embroidered organza T-shirt internally, the color inside matches well with the color of coat.

你要用歌斐木造一只方舟、分一间一间的造、里外抹上松香。Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood with rooms in it, and make it safe from the water inside and out.

设计是干净且平静的,将几何图形、矩形盒作为插图印刻在里外。The design is clean, calming and geometric, featuring inset rectangular boxes that provide character inside and out.

我的长子阿利屋夏如今20岁了,在外面上大学,但他少年时代的生活印记在我们房子里外到处都是。My older son, Alyosha, is now 20 and away at college, but the signs of his boyhood in and about our house are everywhere.

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人们眼睁睁地看着狗、猫、牛和其他动物被大水冲走,连汽车和卡车也被冲到离家几英里外的地方。People watched as dogs, cats, cows and other animals were swept away. Cars and trucks were carried miles from their homes.

中秋节前夕,约上几个儿时玩伴,赶到好几里外的集市上看一场“花鼓戏”演出。On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, about the several childhood friends, several miles to the market to see a" flower drum".

孙辈光是弄清到尽头是何题面就已穷竭周折,国里外征求开锁圣手。The light is out to end the grandchildren is what question was exhaustion setbacks, country inside and outside for lock factory.