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这一立交是1993年通车。This interchange was opened in 1993.

这条新马路不久就可以通车。The new road will soon be open to traffic.

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这条铁路是去年通车的。The railway was opened to traffic last year.

北京的地铁是什麽时候开始通车的?When did the subway in Bejing begin operating?

目前全线已恢复正常通车。The current line has returned to normal traffic.

这条路1989年开始修建,1993年已全线通车。Begun in 1989, the road was fully opened in 1993.

是啊。期待着这座跨海大桥早日通车吧。The early completion of this transoceanic bridge.

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这条铁路已全线通车。The whole railway line has been opened to traffic.

这座跨海大桥什麽时候能通车呀?。When will this transoceanic bridge open to traffic?

这条铁路将于十月一日通车。This railway will be electrified when there is a need.

中国的第一条地铁于1969年在北京建成通车。China started operating its first subway in Beijing in 1969.

美国最近有什么新桥通车吗?Have somey bridges of somey kind opened in America recently?

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这条铁路至迟五月通车。This railway will be opened to traffic in May at the latest.

邢都公路综穿南北,干线公路四通八达,全市通车里程达1321公里。Xingdu highway goes through from north to south. with 1321 kilometers.

明年6月份,海滨大道将实现部分路段半幅通车。Next year in June, the waterfront section of road will achieve demi traffic.

既然不承认“偷工减料”,缘何高速路通车不久就要大修?Since it does not recognize" Jerry" why, high-speed road traffic soon to repair?

胶州湾大桥现已通车,中国宣称它是世界上最长的大桥。The Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, which China claims to be the world’s longest, is now open.

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截至2008年底,中国公路通车里程达到373万公里,比新中国成立初期增长了45倍。By 2008, China's highway mileage reached 3.73m km, an increase of 45 times over 1949.

1984年青藏铁路第一期工程-北京至青海格尔木段建成通车。The first section, from Beijing to Golmud in Qinghai Province, was completed in 1984.

随着铁路通车里程的增长,铁路中小站段随之增加。With the growth of railroad traffic mileage, the moderate and small stations increase.