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产量连年上升。Output increases year after year.

灾祸连年。Calamity occurs in successive years.

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青年累代承未来,城市连年添华彩。Young heirs to future-hold, city grows more radiant.

相比较而言,中国国足却叫中国人连年失望。China's soccer team, by contrast, is a perennial disappointment.

班内吉表示,大吉岭的茶叶生意连年下降。He says Darjeeling's tea industry has been in decline for years.

从2004年起,密西西比州的肥胖率连年居全国之首。Mississippi has had the highest obesity rate every year since 2004.

伊拉克的石油产量因连年的经济制裁和战争的破坏而受到严重影响。Iraq's output has been disrupted by years of sanctions and then war.

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人民于连年战乱之后,已亟待休养生息。After years of war and chaos the people urgently needed rehabilitation.

由于连年的灾难,在19世纪,布哈拉人平均年龄只有32岁。Due to incessant plagues the average 19th century Bukharan died at just 32.

近年来,中国金属铸件生产连年增长。In recent years metal casting production of China has been increased continuously.

华盛顿一直抱怨说,美国对华贸易赤字连年打破记录,部分原因就是人民币对美元存在不合理的汇率偏差。Washington partly blames the exchange rate for its record trade deficit with China.

而被国内暴力与不安连年破坏的索马里是受饥荒影响最严重的地区。Somalia, wracked by years of internal violence and insecurity, is the worst affected.

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我们学校连年保持了较高的升学率。The percentage of students entering a higher school against the total number of students.

随着旅游事业的发展,来武当山金顶的游客连年递增。With the development of tourism, tourists to Mount Wudang Jinding successive incremental.

很难想象在这个狂风劲吹,连年火灾的恶劣的岩石环境中会有生命存在!It was hard to imagine much life in this harsh environment of rock, wind and annual fires.

连年的贫穷破坏了千百年来柬埔寨人与大自然的纽带。Years of deprivation had broken a centuries-old bond between Cambodia's people and nature.

尽管在绿色技术上的资金投入连年看涨,但人们对于环境保护却鲜有关待。Spending on green technologies rose, but less care was taken over environmental protection.

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在这些烽火连年的日子里,玛拉怀孕生下了她和卢克的儿子,本·天行者。During these war-ravaged years, Mara became pregnant and gave birth to their son, Ben Skywalker.

由于石油勘探和开采方面的投资连年下降,印尼现在必须进口石油。Indonesia must import oil, because of years of declining investment in exploration and extraction.

粮食连年丰收,国内粮食出现相对剩余,价格下降。由于市场需求一直疲软,国内棉花大量积压。Because market demand is fatigued and weak all the time, domestic cotton is many keep long in stock.