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梯子支立着。The ladder is up.

盖上新梯子。New stairs covering.

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这梯子上有大头钉。It's had tacks in it.

他从梯子上掉下来。He fell from the ladder.

这就是梯子。This is just the ladder.

你在扶着梯子吗?Are you holding the ladder?

李晴和简在爬梯子。Half of the plums are rotten.

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我有时会爬梯子。I sometimes climb up ladders.

那梯子看起来不太结实。That ladder looks a bit dicky.

一个小男孩从梯子上跌下来。A little boy fell off a ladder.

十字架是登入天堂的梯子。Cro sses are ladders to heaven.

梯子的横档是圆形的。The rouges on ladder are rounds.

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爬上梯子拆了墙。Up the ladder and down the wall.

千万不要在湿地板上使用梯子。Never use ladders on a wet floor.

梯子倾斜地靠在墙上。The ladder leans against the wall.

梯子倚在墙上。The ladder rested against the wall.

你可以用梯子爬上爬下。You can climb up and down a ladder.

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梯子靠这儿比较牢稳。The ladder will be more secure here.

汤姆正给梅梅扶梯子。Tom is holding the ladder for Meimei.

他把梯子借给了邻居。He loaned the ladder to his neighbour.