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奉劝你一句,别买这本书。Do yourself a favor, don't buy the book.

我奉劝你不要过于乐观。I would caution you against undue optimism.

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我早奉劝过萨利嫁给那个男人是多么愚蠢。I told Sally it was foolish to marry that man.

因此,我奉劝国会议员们立即行动起来。So I urge members of congress to act without delay.

修理工提议奉劝我修改传奇议程。the mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.

我奉劝你不要和他交往,他是一个坏蛋。I'd advise you not to associate with him, he's a bad lot.

我奉劝穆里尼奥去听听斯帕莱蒂的访谈。I would urge Mourinho to listen to Spalletti's interviews.

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研究报告的作者们奉劝你也许可以放弃那些运动鞋。So perhaps you can skip those sneaks, say the study authors.

我自己奉劝你们将友谊置于人类事务之首。I myself urge you to put friendship before all human affairs.

当前,很多评论家都在奉劝奥巴马不要过于好高骛远。Right now, many commentators are urging Mr. Obama to think small.

如果他上年接管了我的奉劝,他此刻就是一名乐成的商贾了。If he had taken my advice last year, he would be a successful businessman now.

如果你曾涉足这种灵界的活动,我奉劝你快快把它们扔到一边。If you are dabbling in such spiritual practices, I urge you to throw them aside.

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“看在耶稣份儿上,哥们儿,”老油子们奉劝我,“别带钱进去。‘For the love of Christ, mate, ’ the old hands advised me, ‘don’t you take it in.

可还没等走出农场,多诺茜就在一位叫玛威尔传授的奉劝下回到了农场。But haven't etc, dasey's farm out in a professor of manasseh will persuade to the farm.

如果你能听我说而不生气,我可以奉劝你几句使你比较快乐些。If you would hear me without being angry, I might offer some advice that would make you happier.

我对自己的军旅生涯没有遗憾,我愿意奉劝今天的年轻人去审视它。I have no regrets for my military life, and I would urge our youth today to seriously check it out.

它可以挽救一张模糊的照片,但还是奉劝你不要用锐化工具太过。It can save a blurred photograph, but don’t use the sharpen tool too much or it will end up overdone.

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但我个人奉劝你,吃螃蟹的毕竟是少数,如果一味的去跟风,最后受伤的还是自己。But I advise you to eat crabs are few, if blindly to follow the trend of the last injury or their own.

我奉劝大家多写博客,并通过多种社交渠道发布博文内容,以此让自己变得更加“社交化”。I urge other people to be social by writing blog and distributing the content on multiple social networks.

奉劝客户这样的网站别做,网上有很多门户站都有免费申请网站。We advise clients do not do such a site, there are many online portals are free to apply for station site.